
CFCouchbase SDK Released

Luis Majano |  March 03, 2014

We are very excited to spring forth a new open source product for the Ortus Family: CFCouchbase SDK.  The CFCouchbase SDK is a CFML library for interacting with Couchbase NoSQL Server. It can be used by any CFML application or CFML framework to provide them with NoSQL, distributed caching, dynamic queries and many more capabilities. 

We have been working with Couchbase NoSQL Server for a while now it has been a true pleasure to not only build scalable farms with it, but also it is incredibly responsive when it comes down to NoSQL and caching transactions.  We have extended their Java SDK and wrapped it in some dynamic CFML goodness.  We not only expose all of the capabilities of the Java SDK, but we also provide automatic CFML to Java serialization and deserializations, Querying DSL, and also a way to automatically serialize and deserialize ColdFusion Components CFCs.

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TestBox BDD Video + Slides at NVCFUG

Luis Majano |  March 01, 2014

Here is the video and slides from our presentation at the NVCFUG last month on TestBox xUnit and Behavior Driven Development (BDD)


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Tip of the Week: Auto-deleting Moderated Comments

Luis Majano |  February 27, 2014

Between the Akismet module and the ability to moderate (or even block!) comments based on certain words, IPs, etc., ContentBox provides a nice level of protection from the incessant attacks from spam bots that try to sell you the latest UGG Boots. But the bots are clever, and every once in a while a spam comment or two ...

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Tip of the Week: Easily Customize LogBox Appender Formats

Brad Wood |  February 18, 2014

LogBox ships with a number of appenders for you to use including the File, Email, and Socket Appenders. These all have a default way that they format the data before its persisted. For instance, the FileAppender will write out each log event like so:


If you need the data to be in a different format, or perhaps e...

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California 2014 ColdBox TestBox Training

Luis Majano |  February 17, 2014

Come train where it is sunny and warm!

We will be holding a ColdBox and TestBox bootcamp in sunny California this March 12th-14th, 2014.  This bootcamp will include a medley of our professional training courses and lead by ColdBox creator

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TestBox BDD Presentation for the NVCFUG

Brad Wood |  February 17, 2014

Luis Majano will be presenting on TestBox and BDD (Behavior Driven Development) at the Northern Virginia ColdFusion User Group (NVCFUG) this coming Wednesday at 7PM Eastern/4PM Pacific.  You can see the NVCFUG post here:

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ColdBox 4 Roadmap Released

Brad Wood |  February 12, 2014

We've been hard at work planning the future of CFML's most comprehensive development platform and we're pleased to announce our roadmap for the next major version of the ColdBox MVC Platform.  Click the button below to download our complete roadmap document.

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TestBox BDD/xUnit Testing v1.1.0 Final

Luis Majano |  February 12, 2014

We are very happy to release our first minor patch for TestBox.  This update includes finalizations of some features but mostly tons and tons of improvements and fixes as our library matures.  For those of you who do not know about TestBox, TestBox is a next generation testing framework for ColdFusion (CFML) that is based on BDD (Behavi...

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ColdBox Platform v3.8.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  February 12, 2014

logoWe are proud to announce ColdBox Platform release version 3.8.1. This patch release updates a few critical fixes and a complete update of TestBox: Our BDD and xUnit testing framework

Internal Library Updates

Below are all the internal...

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MockBox v2.3.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  February 12, 2014


We are proud to announce MockBox 2.3.0. This version of MockBox includes some important fixes for your mocking adventures. You can read our What's new with MockBox 2.3 to get a better idea of this release.


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