
Short Screencast on Installing the Ortus FuseGuard Module

Brad Wood |  April 02, 2014

Here is a short introductory video of how you can start protecting your ColdBox applications with our FuseGuard Module!  Enjoy!


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Getting Started With ColdBox and Fuseguard

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2014

Here is a short introductory video of how you can start protecting your ColdBox applications with our FuseGuard Module!  Enjoy!


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DataBoss - Dynamic Administrator v1.3.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  March 31, 2014

We are proud to announce today a nice minor release for Ortus DataBoss version 1.3.0.  This release fixes lots of UI cosmetic issues and adds many improvements not only to the UI but also to better listing visualizations when having many-to-one and one-to-one relationships.

The major updates of this release is the capability to visualize many-to-one and one-to-one relationships on the listing screens now.  They also respect the db_display annotation as well, so you can pick and choose what shows on the listing screen.  This is great for visualizing many-to-many or relationships.

We have also added a new HTML control called "datetime" which allows you to split a timestamp or datetime field into a date and time picker.

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ColdBox Platform Utilities v4.0.0 with TestBox Support Released

Luis Majano |  March 28, 2014

We are so proud to announce another update to our Adobe ColdFusion Builder exension: ColdBox Platform Utilities v4.0.  This update has tons of cool updates and fixes:

Bugs Squashed


New Features

So either download the extension and install it or if you have it installed, just click "ColdBox Platform > Check For Extension Updates..." and perform our sweet auto update!  Here are a few screenshots of some new functionality:

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Use ColdBox to Write Your Next REST API

Brad Wood |  March 27, 2014

REST APIs are a popular and easy way to add HTTP endpoints to your web applications to act as web services for third parties or even other internal systems. REST is simpler and requires less verbosity and overhead than other protocols such as SOAP or XML-RPC. Creating a fully-featured REST API is easy with the ColdBox Platform. Everything you need for creating routes, massaging data, and enforcing security comes out of the box.

The ColdBox MVC Platform has had excellent support for ...

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New WireBox AOP Ref Card Released

Luis Majano |  March 14, 2014

We have just released another installment in our series of getting started reference cards, WireBox AOP Ref Card.  For anyone who's been waiting to jump into WireBox Aspect Oriented Programming, here is your nice full-color introduction to AOP with WireBox.

WireBox Ref ...

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Couchbase Railo Extension Released!

Luis Majano |  March 11, 2014

We are very excited to bring you a new commercial product release for the Ortus Family: Couchbase Railo Extension  The Couchbase Railo Extension allows you to natively connect to a Couchbase NoSQL Server cluster and leverage it for distributed caching, session/client storage and distribution, cluster RAM file systems, and much more. It can allow your Railo servers to scale and extend easily by leveraging Couchbase NoSQL Server as the platform of choice for session/cluster managements, caching and virtual file-systems.

We have been working with Couchbase NoSQL Server for a while now it has been a true pleasure to not only build scalable farms with it, but also it is incredibly responsive when it comes down to NoSQL and caching transactions.


Here are some of the major features of our Couchbase Extension:

  • Add Couchbase functionality to any Railo application
  • Install at the web context level or the server level (Available to all contexts)
  • Create Cache connections in the Railo administrator to connect to any network-accessable Couchbase cluster
  • Set and get objects from Couchbase via standard CFML functions and tags cachePut(), cacheGet(), <cfcache action="get|put">
  • Fully supports all built-in Railo cache functions including wildcard filters
  • Seamlessly distribute storage of the following to any bucket in a Couchbase cluster
    • Railo session storage
    • Railo client storage
    • Railo RAM resouce ram://...
  • Seamlessly cache the following to any timeout-sensitive bucket in a Couchbase cluster
    • Results of database queries <cfquery cachedwithin>
    • Results of deterministic functions <cffunction cachedwithin>
    • Complex or simple objects in your application's code
    • Cached templates <cfcache action="content|cache|serverCache">
  • Registers new CFML Built-In Functions (BIFs) for executing user-defined queries against Couchbase views.
  • Extremely lightweight and fast


Purchase Extension

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ContentBox 2 Roadmap Released

Luis Majano |  March 03, 2014

We are very excited to announce that the roadmap for the next major version of ContentBox is ready for your viewing pleasure. Over the next several months, we'll be working hard to add features and expand functionality...helping you take your sites and content to the next level!

Click the button below to download our complete roadmap document.