
Software Craftsmanship - Why should I use 3rd party libraries vs Roll my own?

Gavin Pickin |  May 18, 2022

There is always a trade-off between using a 3rd party library and rolling your version in software development. I often hear many of these points in discussions, but I wonder how many people know and consider them, so I wanted to share my pros and cons.


This article will help convince you that libraries are not EVIL like so many haters believe. Choosing the right libraries make you more productive and efficient, not lazy. This article identifies solid use-cases for using a 3rd party library in your application. It gives you a checklist of questions to help you identify the red flags of unsafe, unreliable, poorly supported, or ill-suited libraries.

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Into the Box - Updates as of May 16th, 2022

Gavin Pickin |  May 16, 2022

Into the Box is sneaking up closer and closer. With so many announcements, we can't post them all to the Ortus Solutions blog, so we're going to just give you updates when we can. To read all of our blog posts from ITB, visit the site or subscribe to RSS

This week we're going to be announcing the first set of Sessions, some of the Speakers, and some more sponsors. Last week was a big week for Into the Box too, check out the highlights

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Ortus Content Digest for week of May 13th

Gavin Pickin |  May 13, 2022

We were busy this week, we released a lot of content for you... on the podcast, cfcasts, youtube, and our blog. Here's the summary in bite size pieces

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Tips, Tricks and Tools to write DRYer more Reusable Code in ColdFusion

Gavin Pickin |  May 12, 2022

In the last blog post, we learned many reasons why we wanted DRYer more reusable code in ColdFusion. This blog post will talk about some of the different tools ColdFusion / CFML gives you to achieve that.

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Into the Box 2022 - First Workshops Announced

Gavin Pickin |  May 10, 2022

We are excited to announce the first workshops for Into the Box 2022. We plan to offer 5 or more workshops, while we decide on the final workshops, we're happy to announce the first 4.

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cbElasticsearch 2.3.0 Released

Jon Clausen |  May 05, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of cbElasticsearch version 2.3.0. cbElasticsearch is the Elasticsearch module for the Coldbox platform, and provides a fluent CFML API for interacting with, searching, and serializing to Elasticsearch servers.

This release includes documentation updates and and enhancements to core functions of the Document, SearchBuilder and IndexBuilder components, as well as additional error handling for async tasks.

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CommandBox 5.5.1 Released!

Brad Wood |  May 05, 2022

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of CommandBox 5.5.1, the latest version of our CFFML package manager, REPL, and CLI tool.  This release has been 6 months in the making and closed 66 tickets.

As usual, the docs have all been updated to include the latest goodness.   You can read them here:

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CommandBox Docker v3.5.0 Images Released

Jon Clausen |  May 03, 2022

CommandBox 3.5.0 Docker images released

Today we are pleased to announce the release of version 3.5.0 of our CommandBox Docker images, which contains upgrades to the underlying CommandBox engine.

Most significantly, this release upgrades the CommandBox binary to 5.5.1, which uses Lucee 5.3.9 as the underlying CFML engine. In addition, this release changes the underlying base image over to use the eclipse-temurin image builds.

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ColdBox Elixir v4 Released

Eric Peterson |  May 02, 2022

Hot off the presses, ColdBox Elixir v4 is now available on NPM. Please check out the Migration Guide for help upgrading.

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Why is Code Reuse Important?

Gavin Pickin |  May 02, 2022

I know we all reuse code and some types of reuse are better than the others (I'm looking at you COPY AND PASTE / man in the mirror), but copy-paste is only a symptom of a larger issue, that WET code is not as easy to maintain as DRY code.

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