
Live Stream Series - Koding with the Kiwi + Friends - July 1st 2022 Recap

Gavin Pickin |  July 05, 2022

In our last session, Daniel and Gavin worked through a lot of content, what is the OpenAPI and Swagger Doc, some tools like and Daniel's CBSwaggerUI module. They looked at how to add tags, security, parameters, requestbody, responses and got side tracked down a really interesting rabbit hole after a question from one of the Patreons. Find out more and how to watch last weeks stream.

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Into the Box - Updates as of July 4th, 2022

Gavin Pickin |  July 04, 2022

Into the Box Super Early Bird ticket pricing is over, but you can still get the Early Bird. Last week we extended the early bird special.

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Ortus Content Digest for week of July 1st

Gavin Pickin |  July 01, 2022

What has Ortus been publishing this week? We have the CFML News Podcast, more ITB Workshop Podcasts, some CFCasts and YouTube Videos, lots of Ortus and ITB Blog Posts. We have a lot more planned for next week as well

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CF Summit 2022 Training Workshop

Gavin Pickin |  July 01, 2022

We are excited to announce Ortus's Training Workshop at CF Summit in Las Vegas this October 5th and 6th, 2022. Luis Majano and Gavin Pickin will be leading this workshop bringing you a deep dive 2 day workshop using the ColdBox framework to build a REST API to power a VueJS front end application, deployed to multiple platforms with the power of Quasar. The workshop is back in the Luxurious Aria Hotel and Casino, following Adobe's CF Summit this year.

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Introduction to Meilisearch

Michael Born |  June 30, 2022

This is an honest introduction to Meilisearch, the hottest new search engine offering power and speed in a simple package.

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Live Stream Series - Koding with the Kiwi + Friends - Next stream July 1st 2022

Gavin Pickin |  June 28, 2022

In this next session, Gavin will be joined by Daniel Garcia. Daniel has done a lot of work with APIs, testing them with Postman, using other tools like NGrok, and learning how to document APIs with OpenAPI Swagger Documentation. Daniel will discuss his approach, and how we released a module to make API documentation viewing easier, the Swagger UI module on ForgeBox. They will document a few endpoints, look at the swagger.json generated, and see how that looks in the Swagger UI module.

In our last session, Gavin, Sam and David talked about Quick, qb, some tricks. Sam shared the story of their journey towards quick. Gavin made a fool of himself... but that didn't stop him from showing off some other tips. Find out more and how to watch last weeks stream.

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Into the Box - Updates as of June 27th, 2022

Gavin Pickin |  June 27, 2022

Into the Box Super Early Bird ticket pricing is over, but you can still get the Early Bird. Last week we had more episodes of the Modernize or Die Podcast - Conference Edition for ITB 2022 and announced the first 2 groups of Pre-Conference Track for Into the Box.

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ColdBox 6.7.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 24, 2022


I am incredibly excited to announce the release of ColdBox v6.7.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This is an action packed release for all internal libraries with a big focus on performance, async programming, task scheduling and testing. With that said, let's explore this release. How do you update?

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Ortus Content Digest for week of June 24th

Gavin Pickin |  June 24, 2022

What has Ortus been publishing this week? We have the CFML News Podcast, more ITB Workshop Podcasts, some CFCasts and YouTube Videos, lots of Ortus and ITB Blog Posts. We have a lot more planned for next week as well

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Online CF Meeting Series on Code Reuse, 3rd Party Libraries and Package Management

Gavin Pickin |  June 23, 2022

Gavin has presented several webinars on the Online ColdFusion Meetup with Charlie Arehart. This series was inspired by many questions from customers and community members, wanting to learn more about code reuse, when should they write their own modules, when should they use java or coldfusion/cfml packages, and why should people use CommandBox and ForgeBox vs manually handling your 3rd party and shared libraries. This series tries to go back to basics, and explain pros and cons of each approach, hopefully shedding light and demystifying 3rd party libraries, package management, CommandBox endpoint installations, and ForgeBox being the home of all CFML, not a tool for box only products and tools. Check out this blog post for all of these sessions, and links on how to view them on YouTube.

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