
CFCouchbase SDK v2.0.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 10, 2016


More than two years have passed since CFCouchbase 1.1 was released. With community support, we are happy to announce the release of CFCouchbase 2.0.0! If you are not familiar with CFCouchbase we encourage you to checkout the Documentation. The SDK has been updated to support the new functionality available in Couchbase Server 4.x, including:

  • N1QL Queries
  • GSI Indexes
  • Replica Reads
  • Document Locking
  • Prepared Statements
  • Improved Design Document Management
  • Expanded Configuration Options
  • And more...
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Introducing ColdBox Elixir: UI Asset Manager

Luis Majano |  June 07, 2016


We are very excited today to formally announce the availability of ColdBox Elixir, coldbox/elixir. ColdBox Elixir provides a clean, fluent API for defining basic Gulp tasks for your ColdBox applications.


This project was forked from the Laravel Elixir project, so many many thanks for all their hard work and ideas.



We wanted to provide ColdBox developers and easy way to approach an asset pipeline and task executor. The elixir project accomplished this and we have extended it to match the conventions used in ColdBox but also took it a step further to make it compatible with TestBox and CommandBox. This way you can have a full task runner available to you than can integrate with CommandBox recipes, package management, command execution and also TestBox executions.

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Building a ColdBox Module for ContentBox with CommandBox scaffolding

Gavin Pickin |  June 01, 2016

In previous posts we have talked about creating a ColdBox module from scratch ( ContentBox - Extending ContentBox 3 with your Own Custom Modules ), one file at a time, to see the minimum files required to make the module work. That was a great educational exercise, but lets look at another way to create a module, with CommandBox's ColdBox scaffholding commands. 

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ContentBox - Creating Custom Layouts for you Custom Modules

Gavin Pickin |  May 24, 2016

In our last post on Extending ContentBox 3 with your own Custom Modules we learned that you could build a custom ColdBox Modile with amazingly, just 2 files. You could paste in your legacy spaghetti code right into your default view, and it would work. Of course, we probably want to dress it up a little more, and add some more functionality, so lets look at the layout first.

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ContentBox ColdFusion CMS v3.0.0 Release Candidate is here!

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2016


We are so excited to bring about the release of ContentBox 3.0.0 Release Candidate to you today. It has been a monumentus milestone for us at Ortus Solutions as we have devoted almost a full year's worth of development, which has been unusual for our releases, but so worth it for ContentBox ColdFusion CMS.

This release candidate is a major release and with a completely rewritten administration module and with a collection of more than 150 tickets resolved. It has been a massive undertaking with some great results. We also are in the documentation process and our book is available as well now:


Download ContentBox 3.0.0 RC Today!


What's New

We have created a very comprehensive what's new guide in our documentation book here:

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ContentBox - Extending ContentBox 3 with your Own Custom Modules

Gavin Pickin |  May 20, 2016

In a previous Post, we talked about extending ContentBox easily with modules, and showed you how you could just download a module, activate it and use it in minutes. In this post, we'll look at how to add Modules into your website, by building your own, and how to leverage Module Layouts.

Whether you have used ColdBox before or not, using Modules with ContentBox and ColdBox is fairly straightforward, in fact, I think its a great way to dip your toes into using both technologies. Working with Modules is like everything else in ColdBox, you work with conventions, but you have control. In this previous post, 'Modules Modules everywhere, Extending ContentBox', we show you how there are 4 locations for modules in ContentBox, and depending on how your module will work, you should choose the appropriate location. In this post, we're going to build a custom ColdBox module, which it not managed by ContentBox Admin's Module Manager.

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ContentBox 3 - Modules modules everywhere - Extending ContentBox

Gavin Pickin |  May 18, 2016

In the last blog post, we talked about extending ContentBox with modules. With ContentBox being built on top of ColdBox, and integration with ForgeBox using CommandBox, there are a lot of modules ( and module locations), and how those modules interact isn't obvious at first. To be honest, with ContentBox 3, we only just decided to move the core contentbox modules, to provide clearer separation, and easier source control management... things are changing, so I thought this would be a great time to explain about the different type of module locations, and why you should use one over another.

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Screencast showing off new ForgeBox 2.0 features in CommandBox 3.1.0 beta

Brad Wood |  May 17, 2016

We recently announced the availability of CommandBox 3.1.0 beta for testing.  We've make a screen cast also showing how to start Adobe, Lucee 5, and Railo servers which you can

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ContentBox 3 RC Screenshot Gallery

Luis Majano |  May 17, 2016

As we begin our ramp up to the release of ContentBox 3 ColdFusion/Java CMS, here is a nice gallery of images of our new UI and major admin UI feature sets. Enjoy!


ContentBox 3 Gallery