The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 3 - Scheduled Posts and Content

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas,
When you or your team log into your ContentBox site, you see your ContentBox Dashboard. You can see recent content, recent comments, recent news, some data snapshots… but you can also quickly customize this to help your team communicate. It is as easy as changing a few ContentBox admin settings.
Love to use CommandBox but your network admins require you to use a company proxy for all your internet traffic? This can give you weird errors any time you try to install packages, search ForgeBox, or start up an Adobe server. That's because each of those items requires you to connect to the Internet.