
The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 8 - Powerful Default Theme

Gavin Pickin |  December 22, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

When installing a CMS, one of the first steps you would normally take, is install a theme. We wanted to give you a head-start and give you a theme that gives you plenty of options to customize your site, colors, social media icons, and even a  hero style homepage. In ContentBox 3.1 ( about to be released ) we even updated Themes to have better documentation, so it's easier to get started with your theme. Let's see what the default theme can do for you.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 7 - Server Logs

Brad Wood |  December 21, 2016

Christmas is almost here and if you listen carefully you can probably hear the jingling bells on Santa's sleigh.  If you listen even harder, you can hear the cries of anguish from CF developers around the world who's server won't boot and they need to track down the console log!  In this next installment of the 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas, we've got some help.

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 7 - Dynamic Variables

Gavin Pickin |  December 21, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

ContentBox is a CMS built by developers, for our own use. We obviously try and cater to the usual CMS functionality features, but being developers, we tried to throw a couple of extra goodies into ContentBox. Today we'll look at a behind the scene function that allows you to output variables directly in your page or blog.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 6 - Ngrok Server Shares

Brad Wood |  December 20, 2016

Christmas is a time of sharing here at Ortus HQ.  That's why we're sharing this 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas with you.  You may also want to share your hard work with others as well such as co-workers, far away clients, or your mom.  Luckily for you, there's a community Ngrok module that allows you to do just that-- instantly demo a local CommandBox site to anyone in the world via a private URL.  

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 6 - Themed Modules

Gavin Pickin |  December 20, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

Modules are one of the key components of everything ContentBox. One frequently asked question is: how do we theme our custom module output? Theming your custom module, so it uses the same theme/layout as the rest of your ContentBox site is vital if you are going to be extending your site with your own modules. For consistency and flexibility, you do not want your module to be tightly coupled to the current theme, making it harder to change themes. We have a helper to help you with that.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 5 - FusionReactor

Brad Wood |  December 19, 2016

If you run an online retailer, your site might be creaking under the load of millions of last-minute shoppers gobbling up your products.  What's that?  Time for some quick load tests to find those slow queries!  This sounds like a job for FusionReactor's monitoring, profiling, and debugging-- the best gift you can give a server this year as part of our 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 5 - Markdown Support

Gavin Pickin |  December 19, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

At Ortus, like most tech companies, most of our products evolve out of our own needs, and ContentBox is no different. Developers are getting more and more familiar with Markdown, and its actually preferred by a lot of developers when it comes to writing documentation and blog posts, and that is why we give you native support of Markdown in the ContentBox editor. We also threw in a few other features when adding support, some might just save you hours of work.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 4 - Web Server Aliases

Brad Wood |  December 18, 2016

If you haven't purchased all your Christmas presents, it's time to made a mad dash for Amazon and reach for the quick shipping! If your stockings are already hung by the chimney with care then you'll have time for this next tidbit in our 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas series.  One of our goals for CommandBox is for it to become a drop-in replacement for your local dev environment with the least amount of hassle and to do that you'll likely need to create some web aliases (or virtual directories as IIS calls them).  

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 4 - Login Security

Gavin Pickin |  December 18, 2016

At Ortus Solutions, we love the holidays, and we wanted to gift you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas, and I am going to share 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas.

Security is a big issue with any website these days, and with the number of word press hacks in the wild, it’s a big PRO to using ContentBox. With Brute force attacks to admins so prominent, we have a fewof features to make your life easier, and your website safer.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 3 - GitHub Integration

Brad Wood |  December 17, 2016

Snuggle up with a warm cup of eggnog (if you're into that sort of thing) because here comes the 3rd installment of our 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas aimed at lifting holiday spirits and empowering developers!  Today we look at the sweet GitHub integrations we offer!

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