
CommandBox REPL

Curt Gratz |  February 11, 2015

Ever want to try something quick in CFML? Show something off and get the feedback instantly? 

One of the things CommandBox can do for you is provide a REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) console for immediate ColdFusion (CFML) interaction so you can do just that.

After CommandBox is installed, just run 

box repl
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CommandBox - Comments are more helpful than you think

Gavin Pickin |  February 10, 2015

Using a command line tool, like CommandBox, you look for those feature comforts, that can make or break the UI. With CommandBox, one of the big wins, is HELP. Most command line tools allow you to type help and get some general help, but CommandBox goes a step further, you can get Help the Global Level, Namespace Help, and even help at the Command Level.

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RESTFul Content auto-marshalling with ColdBox

Luis Majano |  February 10, 2015

ColdBox 4 introduces yet more nifty tools for RESTFul web services.  In ColdBox 4, we introduced the capability to do auto-marshaling of RESTFul body content from either JSON or XML formats.  We will take care of the defaults, nulls and incompatibility requirements.  All you have to do is use our event.getHTTPContent() method and pass the appropriate conversion argument. 

The possible conversion boolean arguments are:

CommandBox - Searching ForgeBox

Brad Wood |  February 09, 2015

We have big plans for using CommandBox to install packages from all sorts of code endpoints-- local folders, Git/SVN URLs, private corporate repos, etc.  Version 1.0 of CommandBox focused on ForgeBox though, which is our CFML code depot.  It may have started out as a ColdBox/ContentBox-specific thing, but is now open to the entire community to put any project they want on.  I'm excited to already see entries like CFWheelsFW/1MXUnit, and MonkehTweets on there.  The more packages installable from CommandBox via ForgeBox, the more we all win.

Soon ForgeBox will get even more life of its own enhancing it with more functionality such as having multiple versions of the same package. We've already set up as the new domain for ForgeBox's HTML interface where you can search, sort, and filter the entries in your web browser.  We've also built a "forgebox" namespace into CommandBox that uses the REST API to let you interact with ForgeBox from your console.

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ColdBox 4.0 CFML Compatibility

Nathaniel Francis |  February 06, 2015

The Obvious Question

For those who haven't yet dived into ColdBox 4.0, the obvious question is this: "Will ColdBox 4.0 work with my flavor of CFML?"

What The Flavor?

You may not have thought about CFML this way before. CFML is the language. The servers that interpret that language are the flavors.

 ColdFusion (Adobe) is a flavor of CFML, also referred to as ...

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ColdBox 4.0 and Async Loggers

Brad Wood |  February 05, 2015

The Asynchronous loggers in LogBox have been removed in preference to the new async property that can be used in any logger. The affected loggers are:


  • AsyncDBAppender -> DBAppender
  • AsyncFileAppender -> FileAppender
  • AsyncRollingFileAppender -> RollingFileAppender
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To Plural or not to Plural: The Models Location Changes

Scott Coldwell |  February 04, 2015

Have you ever looked at the folder structure of ColdBox and noticed that, grammatically speaking, model was the odd man out? No longer! With ColdBox 4.0, the model folder has been renamed to models for consistency.

To upgrade your application, there are two choices to make it compatible with this change:

  1. Rename your model folder to models
  2. Use Custom Conventions in your
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CommandBox v1.0.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  February 04, 2015

After almost a year in development, we are so excited to finally announce the release of CommandBox 1.0.0 Final.  This has been definitely one of the most challenging and fun projects we have overtaken here at Ortus.  We had a vision of how we could accelerate not only development, tools and ultimately the ColdFusion (CFML) landscape by building a tool that could put us up to par with many other technologies.  I am glad to say we have now a great foundation to move forward.  CommandBox brings CFML to any Operating System and even embedded systems like the Raspberry and Banana Pi.  It also gives ColdFusion (CFML) developers a much better workflow to work with their projects and a sense of community we lovingly call ForgeBox.  

With anything we do here at Ortus, it is fully documented using our new book formats.  So head on over to to download or read the entire CommandBox documentation.  In the next coming weeks we will begin our CommandBox 5 week roadshow that will include weekly blogging tutorials and video presentations, so stay tuned as each week progresses.  So without further ado, I present to you project Gideon: CommandBox CLI!

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