
The UDFLibraryFile setting is now "applicationHelper"

Scott Coldwell |  February 25, 2015

If you have a ColdBox config setting UDFLibraryFile, then you'll want to change it when upgrading to ColdBox 4.0. It functions the same, but is now called applicationHelper.

applicationHelper is an optional setting where you can declare the path to a UDF template to load for usage in the views, layouts and event handlers. You can use relative paths to your application's root or ColdFusion mappings.

For example if I have my udf templat...

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Developing for CommandBox - When are Errors a Good Thing?

Gavin Pickin |  February 24, 2015

CommandBox is a whole system in itself, and when developing for CommandBox, like you would other applications, debugging is important. By default if you have any errors in your code, CommandBox outputs the error message, and a stack trace to the user in the console… and they will be returned to the prompt. This is great for you as a developer of said command, but its not very user friendly, so how can or should you handle errors in CommandBox.

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Module Bundles in ColdBox 4

Luis Majano |  February 24, 2015

With the advent of so much more functionality in modules, in ColdBox 4 we added the ability to group modules in a single directory we lovingly call The Module Bundle.  This feature became a reality due to a real client's need of being able to logically separate modules into logical buckets.  His application had an extensive amount of modules and he wanted to further segregate them, thus module bundles became a reality.  


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Interactive Shell vs Native OS

Brad Wood |  February 23, 2015

There are two ways to run commands via CommandBox: inside the CommandBox interactive shell, or one-at-a-time commands from your native shell.

Multiple Commands

If you open the interactive shell, you will see the CommandBox splash screen (ASCII art) and then you'll be presented with the CommandBox> prompt. You can enter as many commands as you wish in order and after each command is finished executing, you will be returned to the CommandBox prompt. If you have multiple commands you want to execute manually, this is the fastest method since CommandBox only loads once. This is also the only way to make use of features like tab complete and command history.

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The Storages Module

Curt Gratz |  February 23, 2015

If you have been following our series here on ColdBox 4.0, you are probably sensing a theme.  

Another major change in ColdBox 4.0 was the removal of plugins as a thing.  They were just model objects anyway and we had treated them as such within the framework for some time.   However, because of that, we needed to do something with some of our various "core" plugins.  So sticking with our...

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Running CFML From the Command Line

Luis Majano |  February 20, 2015

One of the features we really wanted to see in CommandBox is OS integration to be able to execute CFML as part of the OS like any other binary.  Me personally, I wanted also to script in CFML instead of convoluted BASH or any type of shell scripting language.  In CommandBox you have several ways of executing via the command line.  Let's investigate a few.

Running CFML Files

You can very easily create ANY cfm file and put any code in it and execute it via CommandBox

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ColdBox 4.0: What We Kept

Nathaniel Francis |  February 20, 2015

ColdBox 4.0 is a major release for the ColdBox line. The most major since its original release in June 2006. To boost efficency and open up options, we've removed a lot of non-necessary items from the core installation and made them available through modular architecture instead. However, there are some thing that we've kept - and for good reason. This post discusses what we kept in the core of ColdBox 4.0 and why.

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CSRF Security Module: Not All Surfing Is Good

Nathaniel Francis |  February 20, 2015

Welcome to the jungle

Remember a time when the internet was a safe place. Where your email wasn't getting hacked every 3 months, nobody wanted to XSS something malicious to you or through you, and no one conceived of encrypting your hard drive for money?

I don't either. Since its inception, the internet has been a jungle of security complications.

CSRF: not the good kind of surfi...

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ColdBox 4.0 Dealing With Datasources

Brad Wood |  February 19, 2015

ColdBox allows you to store the details of your CF datasources in your configuration file.  This prevents you from needing to store usernames and passwords in  your actual code, and allows you  to easily switch an application to another database, even with the environment control.  In  the past this datasource information was presented to you as a CFC object with getter methods.  

In ColdBox 4.0 we recognized that the datasource bean was really just a value object with no behaviors-- only data.  In the spirit of simplification,  we've replaced the datasource bean with a standard struct of data.

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CommandBox: CFML SandBox

Nathaniel Francis |  February 18, 2015

CommandBox provides a lot of tooling and CLI functionality for CFML developers. But what if you wanted to run or test CFML code beyond the CommandBox REPL? This post explains a simple way that you can setup a genuine CFML SandBox with CommandBox.

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