Well, since everybody wants to know what is the big fuzz with the upcoming version 2.5.0, please check out this document: http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac.cgi/wiki/cbWhatsNew2.50 It will give you a very nice introduction as of what is going on in ColdBox 2.5.0 and what...
Presentation on 2.5.0 Posted.

First of all, let me apologize for a bad connection and even worse my fan in my mac blew up, so It felt like I was inside of a turbine. Anyways, the presso did not go as I planned, but hey, things happen. We will try again in about two weeks, and hopefully it will work better. For now, you can find the presentations posted up on the wiki if you would like a sneek peek. http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac....
ColdBox and SES, its here!!

Well, the last piece of the puzzle is complete and ready for testing, SES support via ColdCourse.
Down & Dirty With ColdBox 2.5.0 - Who, What, Why? A second time around...

Well, a second opportunity to deliver "Down & Dirty With ColdBox 2.5.0 - Who, What, Why?" this coming Thursday. We had all the technical difficulties imaginable last time. Hopefully, we will do better this time. My Friend Josh Giese will be helping me out with his FIOS and awesome equipment. So I can't fail!!
More ColdBox Guides!!! Woo Hoo!!

Keep a close eye on the wiki as all the documentation is getting revamped and updated. I am about 75% done with all the new docs and guides. Here is just a brief overview of the new guides:
ColdBox RC 2 Now AVAILABLE!!!

RC 2 includes tons of fixes and the up and coming SES support. Please test to your heart's delight. Download RC 2 Now You can find more guides at the wiki and the What's new guide at http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac.cgi/wiki/cbWhatsNew2.50 That will tell you eve...
ColdBox Presentation at the ColdFusion Meetup Group

Charlie has posted yeseterday's presentation at the ColdFusion Meetup. http://experts.acrobat.com/p68743264/ So please watch it and learn about ColdBox
...ColdBox : A Tour at the Orlando CFUG Presentation, Watch it!

I did yesterday a presentation at the Orlando User Group, ADOGO, and it went awesome. Thanks Brian and crew for hosting me. The presentation covers some theory but we did a lot of hands on. I showed off event caching, scaffolding support via illudium, even ses support, and much much more. So check it out at the following URL: http://adobechats.adobe.acrobat.com/p91785199/
...Last BlueDragon 7 (cfthread) bug with ColdBox resolved.

I am so happy to announce that the last bug for BlueDragon 7 on ColdBox has been resolved. It was tricky, but it all came down to using "-" on the name of the thread being created.
If you have something like:
This would fail parsing in bluedragon 7 but work as normal in Adobe CF. So I had to replace and come up with better names:
And voila!!! It works!! So the final bug registered for ColdBox RC 2 has been resolved. Hopefully, no more bugs wil...
Submit your ColdBox sites, applications, and companies

If you have a company, website or application built on ColdBox, please submit it to this post or at info@coldboxframework.com so it can be placed at our new wiki page at : http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac.cgi/wiki/cbSitesUsed So please reply to this post with your company name, websites, or applications built.