I am super excited to be going to my first CFUnited Conference in the next few weeks. I will be doing my first presentations on ColdBox and I just posted such presentations in the official ColdBox Wiki. So please check them out as they are different than any of the presentations and it includes most of the 2.6 features.
Amcom Technology Chooses ColdBox

Yesterday Amcom Technology, a software development company based in San Francisco, announced that they did some extensive analysis when choosing the framework for their next big CRM project and had chosen ColdBox. The analysis document is very straightforward and very informative. You can find the link to it in their press release. In ...
ColdBox 2.6.0 RC2 Released + Announcements

ColdBox RC2 includes some new features and bug fixes to complete the entire feature release schedule for version 2.6. There will be no more release candidates after RC2 but the Final Release in July. We are extremely happy to introduce some cool new features we have been working on for quite a while now. So please enjoy this RC update and stay tuned for the final 2.6 FAITH release in July. As always, you can visit the What's New wiki page for all the in depth document. All of the documents in the wiki are in Revision State and almost all of them have been revised for version 2.6. We are expecting to complete our documentation revisions by July, so keep posted to the wiki timeline as guides are being updated with the latest and greatest documentation for the 2.6 release. Below are also some announcements:
The ColdBox Platform:
The following diagram shows the ColdBox Platform and all of its components. This gives you a better understanding of how ColdBox is not a mere MVC framework but an application platform and a set of developer tools.
ColdBox Training Partnership with Rachel Queen Services Group, LLC

ColdBox Training Partnership with Rachel Queen Services Group, LLC and Ortus Solutions, Corp
June 26, 2008
As previously announced, ColdBox is in the midst of a transition from an Open Source Software project to a Professional Open Source Software project. It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce yet another step in this transition: a new strategic partnership between Ortus Solutions, Corp an...
ColdBox Training Seminar Venue, Dates, Schedule and Pricing Posted. REGISTER NOW!

I am pleased to announce the Early-Bird Special discount registration price of just $1,195 for the October 2008 ColdBox Platform 101 seminar to be held at the Hyatt Place Dallas/Grapevine in Dallas, Texas October 4-5, 2008. Registrants can take advantage of this $200 savings over the full seminar price of $1,395 by c...
BugLog and ColdBox

Tom de manincor has another interesting tutorial on how to integrate BugLogHQ into his ColdBox Applications. So go read it here.
...ColdBox Training Seminar FAQ Updated

We have updated the Seminar FAQ with more valuable information regarding the 2-day seminar. Please visit our training section for more information and online registration.
...ColdBox Dreamweaver hints updated its an MXP now

Thanks to Aaron Roberson and massimo foti, the dreamweaver hints for coldbox have been updated to an MXP file that will do all the installation for you in both PC and MAC. Very cool!! Not only does it have syntax highlighting, but tag highlighting and lots of plugin highlighting. That one alone is making me consider to switch to it. Anyways, enjoy and please thank Aaron for maintaining the snippets. You can down...
ColdBox Training Seminars Early Bird Pricing ends in 18 Days

There are only 18 days left for the early bird pricing of the ColdBox Training Seminar in Dallas, Texas on October 4th and 5th. You can also register online NOW by visiting our training registration page.. Also note that space is limited to 15 attendees, so get your reservations in before July 31st and save more than $200.
...ColdBox at the Boston CFUG

I had the privilege of presenting at the Boston CFUG last night on the glories of ColdBox. I was cordially invited by mi friend Brian Rinaldi, so first of all, thank you very much Brian for inviting me to speak. It was a very cool presentation showcasing all of the 2.6.0 features, the methodologies behind it and some very cool examples. I showcased a flex app talking to a coldbox application and using the c...