
How to override a single server rule in CommandBox's new Server Profiles

Brad Wood |  December 08, 2020

CommandBox 5.2.0 added a new feature called Server Profiles which allow you to dial in a bevy of development or production lockdown rules in a single setting.  Each profile can be tweaked with individual settings to customize them.

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TestBox v4.2 Released!

Luis Majano |  November 20, 2020

We are excited to announce a major version release of [TestBox](/products/testbox) version 4.0.0. To install just use CommandBox: `install testbox --saveDev` or to update your TestBox installation `update testbox`. So let's explore this release!
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CommandBox 5.2.0 Released

Brad Wood |  November 16, 2020

Today we are pleased to announce the final release of CommandBox 5.2.0.  This release has been 5 months in the making and covers nearly 50 tickets.  We've already covered the full list of new features and enhancements in our release candidate announcement which you can read here:

After a month of RC testing, we've made several additional improvements and are ready to release.

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CommandBox, ForgeBox, Adobe ColdFusion 2021, and cfpm

Brad Wood |  November 13, 2020

Adobe released ColdFusion 2021 this week.  It's a pretty big release with a modularization of the core engine and a nice list of language enhancements.

Here's what you need to know for using it with CommandBox.


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FORGEBOX v5.4 Released

Luis Majano |  November 10, 2020

Modernize all things!

FORGEBOX v5.4.0 released!

We are so excited to bring you a minor but huuuge release for FORGEBOX and all of its editions. Here are the major updates for this release and the full release notes.

Major Updates

ColdBox 6

We have made the upgrade and is now fully powered by ColdBox 6.1.0. This was a major upgrade to our entire framework engine and we are reaping the so many benefits of the ColdBox release. From async operations, to major rendering improvements. The entire logging enhancements on its own have rendered a 2x performance boost for API calls. We have also analyzed our traffic data and our page rendering has increased by 27% due to the ColdBox 6 Rendering capabilities. These are significant boosts in performance and stability just by the underlying framework on itself. Great job ColdBox Team!

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ColdBox 6.1.0 Released

Luis Majano |  October 21, 2020

We are so excited to bring you the first public release candidate of the next generation of ColdBox HMVC , version 6.0. Enjoy as we are almost ready for final release.

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Ending the Year on a High Note

Paulina Lainez |  October 20, 2020

And just like that it's almost the end of the year!  As such, we decided to make the most out of these last few months by scheduling exciting events.  Take a look at what's to come: 



ColdBox Hero to Superhero Workshop

Dates: October 22- 23

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CommandBox 5.2.0-RC.1 Release Candidate ready for testing

Brad Wood |  October 12, 2020

It's been 4 months since we've had a CommandBox release, but we've actually been quite busy on a number of large improvements that took a while to settle down. Today we are pleased to announce a Release Candidate 5.2.0-RC.1 for you to help test. There's not usually a release candidate for "minor" CommandBox releases, but we've updated a lot of libraries and introduced some pretty big new features so we wanted to have a round of testing and feedback before we cut the final release.  There are 46 completed tickets for the 5.2.0 release.

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Last ColdBox Hero Workshops of the Year

Paulina Lainez |  September 17, 2020

Given the growing popularity of our Hero workshops, we decided to host the last two of the year. Our goal is to modernize and empower developers so that they can have the tools they need to succeed. As such, please find below the dates and pertinent information:

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cbElasticsearch 2.0.0 Released

Jon Clausen |  September 01, 2020

cbElasticsearch, the Elasticsearch module for the Coldbox platform, announced a major release with version 2.0.0 this week. Version 2.0.0 represents a major rewrite of the core Elasticsearch integration and converts the previous java-based JEST client implementation to a native CFML implementation, and adds the Hyper HTTP module as a dependency. In addition, support for Elasticsearch server versions < 6.5 has been removed, with support for 6.x versions being officially ended.

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