
Quick v3.0.0 Alpha Released

Eric Peterson |  April 07, 2020

It's finally here, the first alpha of Quick 3.0.0. Come read about the headline features of this next major release.

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cbSecurity 2.4 Released

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2020

We are excited to bring you another release for cbSecurity v2.4. This update gives you access to our cross site request forgery module: cbcsrf, which will enhance your securing abilities.

# Install
install cbsecurity

# Update
update cbsecurity

What's New With 2.4.0

This release adds the inclusion of the Cross...

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ColdBox Cross Site Request Forgery Module v2 released

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2020

We are incredibly excited to bring you a major version of our cbcsrf module, so you can protect your ColdBox applications from cross-site request forgery vectors. This is a major overhaul of the module and it will also be part of the cbSecurity module as well.


install cbcsrf
update cbcsrf

Please note that if you are upgrading from the 1.x series, make sure you read the documentation as all method signatures have been updated.

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What's New In CommandBox 5 - Git Access Tokens

Brad Wood |  April 02, 2020

Learn how to use Git personal access tokens or username and password to authenticate to a private Git repo in CommandBox 5.


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cbSecurity 2.3 Released

Luis Majano |  March 30, 2020

We are excited to bring you another release for cbSecurity packed with security goodness: version 2.3.0. This version focuses on security contexts from ANY layer of a ColdBox application. It will also enhance your functional skills as well, as it introduces some nice semantics for securing your code.

# Install
# install cbsecurity

# Update
update cbsecurity
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6 Fun Things to Do at Home

Paulina Lainez |  March 24, 2020

Making the most out of our time at home may mean finally doing many things you wished you’ve done. To combat boredom, we have compiled a list of fun things to do while staying in. 

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Into the Box 2020 is Going Virtual!

Paulina Lainez |  March 20, 2020

Ortus Solutions has been constantly monitoring the developments of COVID-19. Given health officials’ recommendations, we are taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of partners, attendees, speakers and staff. As such, we have decided to move our conference online.

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