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ColdBox 6.8.2 Released

Luis Majano |  May 02, 2023


Today is a happy day, that we get to release ColdBox v6.8.2. This is our first in our commitment to an LTS release cycle for ColdBox with the upcoming ColdBox 7 release.

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CBSecurity 3.1 Released

Luis Majano |  February 20, 2023

We are happy to announce our first minor release for CBSecurity v3.1.0, with some nice updates and a new password generator.

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ColdFusion Summit East 2023 MVC Training Workshop

Luis Majano |  February 16, 2023

We are excited to announce a training workshop before the ColdFusion Summit East in Washington, D.C., on April 4th, 2023. Luis Majano, the creator of The ColdBox Platform, will be leading this workshop, bringing you a deep dive 1-day workshop: ColdFusion MVC for Dummies.

The workshop will combine a variety of theories, hands-on coding, and best practices to give you all the tools needed to leave the workshop ready to build MVC-powered apps when you return to your office.

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CBSecurity 3.x Released

Luis Majano |  January 30, 2023

We are incredibly excited to release CBSecurity 3. This is a significant release with over six months of work invested in it. We have completely revamped our security module to make ColdBox applications secure, flexible, and ready for the upcoming ColdBox 7 release. The first major announcement for this release is that we have a brand-new logo!

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The 12 Days of Christmas - ITB 2022 Video Release— Day 4 - ColdBox Modules & Features

Gavin Pickin |  December 13, 2022

It's that time of year again. Trees are lit, presents are being wrapped, and relatives are coming to visit. That's right, it's time again for the 12 days of Christmas-- 2022 ITB Video Release Edition! 

Today, Day 4's Videos from Into the Box 2022 Conference, 3 sessions related to ColdBox modules and Features. CBValidation, CBFuture and ColdBox Task Scheduling.

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Integrating ColdBox with Existing Code Series 5: Using Wirebox

Dan Card |  August 18, 2022

Recently, I did a webinar on Refactoring Legacy Code and the question came up about whether or not it was possible to use ColdBox with existing code without converting everything to a ColdBox module or making changes to the existing codebase. In the first installation in this series, we took a tour of the various elements which make up ColdBox. In the second installation, we looked at creating layouts, views, and routes in the main site. In the third, we created a module and did the first integration of our existing code into our ColdBox site. In the fourth, we continued developing our module with a handler and passing variable back to Coldbox. Now we'll use Wirebox with and without ColdBox Modules to see how these approaches differ from a traditional approach.

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Integrating ColdBox with Existing Code Series Part 4: More Integration

Dan Card |  August 03, 2022

Recently I did a webinar on Refactoring Legacy Code and the question came up about whether or not it was possible to use Coldbox with existing code without converting everything to a Coldbox module or making changes to the existing codebase. In the first installation in this series, we took a tour of the various elements which make up ColdBox. In the second installation, we looked at creating layouts, views, and routes in the main site. In this installation, we’re going to start incorporating our existing code base and do so using a module.

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ColdBox 6.8.0 Released

Luis Majano |  August 01, 2022


I am incredibly excited to announce the release of ColdBox v6.8.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This update includes some important fixes and we managed to squeeze some nice improvements!

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Integrating ColdBox with Existing Code Series -3 -First Module / Include our Code

Dan Card |  July 27, 2022

Recently I did a webinar on Refactoring Legacy Code and the question came up about whether or not it was possible to use Coldbox with existing code without converting everything to a Coldbox module or making changes to the existing codebase. In the first installation in this series, we took a tour of the various elements which make up ColdBox. In the second installation, we looked at creating layouts, views, and routes in the main site. In this installation, we’re going to start incorporating our existing code base and do so using a module.

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Integrating ColdBox with Existing Code Series -2 -First Routes

Dan Card |  July 20, 2022

Recently I did a webinar on Refactoring Legacy Code and the question came up about whether or not it was possible to use Coldbox with existing code without converting everything to a Coldbox module or making changes to the existing codebase. In the first installation in this series, we took a tour of the various elements which make up ColdBox. In this second installation, we are looking at creating layouts, views, and routes in the main site.

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