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Integrating ColdBox with Existing Code Series - 1 - ColdBox Tour

Dan Card |  July 14, 2022

Recently I did a webinar on Refactoring Legacy Code and the question came up about whether or not it was possible to use Coldbox with existing code without converting everything to a Coldbox module or making changes to the existing codebase. The answer is yes and there are many ways to do it. The method you choose depends on what the goals are for the conversion. Do you need to simply keep the exact same site but start moving toward Coldbox routes? Are you putting a new look to existing functionality but need to keep an existing site up and running in the meantime? Both these and several other scenarios are possible. We’ll take this blog series to walk through some of them.

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CF Summit 2022 Training Workshop

Gavin Pickin |  July 01, 2022

We are excited to announce Ortus's Training Workshop at CF Summit in Las Vegas this October 5th and 6th, 2022. Luis Majano and Gavin Pickin will be leading this workshop bringing you a deep dive 2 day workshop using the ColdBox framework to build a REST API to power a VueJS front end application, deployed to multiple platforms with the power of Quasar. The workshop is back in the Luxurious Aria Hotel and Casino, following Adobe's CF Summit this year.

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ColdBox 6.7.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 24, 2022


I am incredibly excited to announce the release of ColdBox v6.7.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This is an action packed release for all internal libraries with a big focus on performance, async programming, task scheduling and testing. With that said, let's explore this release. How do you update?

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Mailgun Support for ColdBox Mail Services

Luis Majano |  June 15, 2022

I am very excited to announce the support for the Mailgun email delivery service in our ColdBox Mail Services module (cbmailservices) thanks to Scott Steinbeck.

What is Mailgun

Mailgun is an email delivery service for sending, receiving, and tracking emails. You can find a great introduction here:

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ColdBox 15 Year Anniversary Video

Luis Majano |  March 16, 2022

We are so excited to share a small video celebrating the 15 years of the legacy of the ColdBox Platform rocking the ColdFusion (CFML) World. It has been a truly tremendous ride, filled with lots of joy, challenges, frustrations and satisfaction that ColdBox is powering applications from companies all over the world. We started as the very first conventions over configuration MVC framework. It has become the most widely used ColdFusion (CFML) framework and the standard for developing modern web applications in ColdFusion (CFML). With tons of products, modules and frameworks that have stemmed from this initial project. ColdBox HMVC has truly been a catalyst at Ortus!

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ColdBox 6.6.0 Released

Luis Majano |  February 04, 2022


Today we are incredibly excited to release ColdBox v6.6.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This release has taken quite a few months and tons of years of research to complete. We have finally made WireBox a Hierarchical Dependency Injection framework. This is our first huge step into allowing multi-dependency management in ColdBox Modules. This means that you will be able to have modules of different versions running within the same ColdBox app and each module will be able to get the right dependency that it needs. With that said, let's explore this release.

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ColdBox Mail Services 2.0 - Fluent Mail For All

Luis Majano |  November 08, 2021

We are so excited to bring you a major release of our cbmailservices module. This module has been around since our initial versions of ColdBox and it has now matured into a modern and fluent library for sending mail.

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cbSecurity 2.13 Released with Refresh Tokens Support

Luis Majano |  September 02, 2021

We are incredibly excited to release cbSecurity version 2.13.0 today. This release packs a big punch in terms of features for our JWT support for RESTFul APIs. We are excited to announce full refresh token support and much more.

# Install
install cbsecurity

# Update
update cbsecurity

Refresh Tokens

ColdBox Security supports the concept ...

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ColdBox 6.5.0 Released

Luis Majano |  July 09, 2021

Today we are excited to release ColdBox v6.5.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This release has focused on stability and making sure all bugs are addressed especially when using our schedulers and asynchronous processes.

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TestBox v4.4 Released!

Luis Majano |  June 16, 2021

We are excited to announce a major version release of TestBox version 4.4.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release!

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