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Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - PRE CFSummit East 2020 Workshop

Luis Majano |  January 21, 2020

We are excited to bring our training Bootcamp series back to the DC area before CFSummit East on April 20th and April 21st. This training series will be led by Box creator Luis Majano at the Regus Franklin Square 5 minute walk from the conference center. Register as soon as possible as space is very limited!

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ColdBox Security v2.0.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  September 27, 2019

We are so excited to release The ColdBox Security Module version 2.0.0. It has been quite a few years since we did a major version of our security module, but it is worth the wait. It is just easier to say we completely rewrote it in modern CFML and introduced modern Security practices, HMVC security to modules, annotation driven security and JWT token services. Never again write API security, we got you covered! We also completelty rewrote the documentation and now we have yet another awesome security book:

install cbsecurity
update cbsecurity

There are just too many things to talk about in this release, so we will just list out the major features and you can visit our docs for the complete rundown of ColdBox Security 2.0.0.


The ColdBox cbsecurity module will enhance your ColdBox applications by providing out of the box security in the form of:

  • A security rule engine for incoming requests
  • Annotation driven security for handlers and actions
  • JWT (Json Web Tokens) generator, decoder and authentication services


  • Ability to have global security rules
  • Ability for modules to add their own security rules and action overrides
  • Ability to distinguish between authentication and authorization issues
  • Annotation driven cascading security for handlers and actions
  • Security rules can exist in:
    • XML File
    • JSON File
    • Database
    • Models
  • The rules can be configured to use regular expressions or simple snippets
  • Can use ColdFusion authentication security
  • Can leverage any custom authentication provider
  • Plug any Authentication service or can leverage cbauth by default
  • Capability to distinguish between invalid authentication and invalid authorization and determine an outcome of the process.
  • Ability to load/unload security rules from contributing modules.
  • Ability for each module to define it's own validator
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swagger SDK and cbSwagger v2 Released!

Luis Majano |  September 03, 2019

We are very excited to finally update our swagger modules to version 2: swagger-sdk, cbSwagger. This major version has tons of new features and improvements when documenting ColdBox APIs. However, the biggest features are that we now support the latest Open API Spec => v3.0.2 and we can export your documentation in either JSON or YAML. Check out the release notes below to see all the great new improvements.

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ColdBox 5.6.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  August 16, 2019

We are very excited to announce the release of ColdBox version 5.6.0 alongside all the companion standalone libraries: WireBox, LogBox and CacheBox.

What's New With 5.6.0

ColdBox 5.6.0 is a minor version update with lots of fixes, improvements, ...

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A New Template Approaches: Quick with Auth!

Eric Peterson |  August 16, 2019

You know what's tedious? Authentication. Every project I start needs some sort of authentication system. And every project I start basically from scratch.

I noticed this pattern a while ago and created some libraries to help. You may have used them before.

cbauth is a library that handles creating user sessions for you app while giving enough customization to use different authentication methods and session storages....

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ColdBox 5.5.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  June 14, 2019

What's New With v5.5.0

We are very excited to bring you ColdBox Platform v5.5.0! This is a minor release packed with a punch of improvements and some cool new features. The major libraries upgraded are ColdBox MVC and WireBox in this release.

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Support Open Source via new Patreon Levels and Rewards

Luis Majano |  June 13, 2019

At Ortus Solutions we are known for building open source projects for the ColdFusion (CFML) community such as ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox Modular CMS, ForgeBox and many more. All of those products are licensed under the Apache 2 license and are completely FREE to use and extend.

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CFSummit 2019 Training Bootcamps

Luis Majano |  May 30, 2019


We are excited to bring our training Bootcamp series as a post-conference workshop for this year Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2019 in Las Vegas, NV. Please note, that our training this year is AFTER the conference. This training series will be led by Box creator Luis Majano and ContentBox Evangelist Gavin Pickin. Register as soon as possible as space is very limited!

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Quick v2.0.0 Released!

Eric Peterson |  April 30, 2019

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Quick 2.0.0. It's been a long road with 14 betas(!) and months of testing from dedicated users. The end result is a more refined and performant product. Come check out the headline features.

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TestBox v3.0.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  April 25, 2019

We are excited to announce the release of TestBox version 3.0.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release

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