
CONTAINERS2017 - Docker Roadshow coming in September!

Brad Wood |  August 29, 2017

There's a brand new thing out and it's called Docker.  Maybe you've heard of it? We think it's pretty cool. Oh, who are we kidding?  Docker has been around for a while now and it's becoming HUGE!  Local development is getting more powerful.  Server deployment is becoming more ubiquitous.  And cloud hosts everywhere are consolidating on one container standard. ...

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ColdFusion Summit 2017 RESTFul Training Bootcamp

Luis Majano |  August 25, 2017


We are excited to bring our training Bootcamp series as a pre-conference workshop for this years Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2017 in Las Vegas, NV. This training series will be led by Box creator Luis Majano and CommandBox Creator Brad Wood at the Mirage Hotel in a private training penthouse retreat. Register as soon as possible as space is very limited!

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See the code - How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox

Gavin Pickin |  August 15, 2017

In my last post, I talked about How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox. I talked through the what, why, how, but didn't get to the code. So this post, is going to go through the code and give you a real example you could use today to extend ContentBox's core Author module with your own function.

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How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox

Gavin Pickin |  August 14, 2017

I have been working for Ortus Solutions for over two years now, and still, every day I learn something new about one of our modules or tools. In one of my current customer projects, we are taking a ContentBox installation ( our Modular Content Management System built on top of ColdBox ), customizing it, extending it, and it's really fun. One of the big customizations for this projects is extending the permissions structure, outside of what we wanted to do in the ContentBox core.

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CommandBox 3.7 Docker Images Released

Jon Clausen |  August 11, 2017

On the heels of and in conjunction with the 3.7.0 release of ContentBox, we are pleased to announce the 3.7.0 release of CommandBox ( a happy coincidence that the version numbers of the two are the same! ).

This release provides major updates in security and functionality to the CFConfig module, which may be used to configure CFML servers at runtime. The settings and environment variables, which were previously handled by the bash script used to start the image, are now delegated to CFConfig. You can read more on using environment variables for CFConfig here.

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ContentBox v3.7.0 Released

Luis Majano |  August 10, 2017

Today we are very excited to bring you ContentBox version 3.7.0!

This release has a major focus on security, authentication, containers, testing and automation. Below you can find the major changes and updates for this release and our full release notes so you can geek out.

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CFObjective 2017 - 3 WAYS TO TEST YOUR COLDFUSION API - Gavin Pickin

Gavin Pickin |  July 24, 2017

Most projects in CF now involve creating some type of consumable CFC Endpoint or API Service... do you Unit test your API, do you use Integration Tests on your API? How many ways do you test your API? Not all tests are created equal.

We build our CFCs and CF API to be consumed with CF Apps, Mobile Apps, Javascript apps and devices we haven’t even thought about yet. To be smart developers we need to be able to test our CFC endpoints, and the code that uses those endpoints.

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Gavin Pickin |  July 24, 2017

We’ve all had those projects, the salvage project, the legacy project that we picked up, and wished we never had.

Was it written 5 years ago by that young dev with lots of passion but no big picture vision.

Was it written 6 months ago by another team, by a top gun developer who knows all the design patterns, and tried to future proof the app, only succeeding in making it impossible for anyone else to understand.

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CFObjective 2017 - Design Patterns - Brad Wood

Brad Wood |  July 24, 2017

At this year's CF.Objective I presented on the topic of programming design patterns.  Here are the slides for the presentation.  This session covers what programming design patterns are, how they got their start, and reviews common design patterns and antipatterns.  There are simple code samples that go with most of the samples, including the antipatterns.