
Thank you to all of our Into The Box Sponsors

Gavin Pickin |  April 11, 2017

ITB 2017 Proud Sponsors!

Into The Box has been brought together by many different people! One of the most important parts, is our sponsors. ITB 2017 has a lot of great sponsors! A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. Make sure to check out all the blog links below to see who is all sponsoring this event as we want to thank each and every one of them for this years support!

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Lucee 5 Couchbase Extension released

Brad Wood |  April 11, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of version 3.0.0 of our Couchbase Lucee Extension, which brings support for Lucee 5! Couchbase is a popular NoSQL database and caching document store which can be scaled horizontally for high availability and redundancy.  The Ortus Lucee Couchbase extension comes with the following features...

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Where are my Lucee and Adobe ColdFusion log files on CommandBox servers?

Brad Wood |  April 10, 2017

As more people are starting to use CommandBox to start their Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee servers, I've gotten the question of where to find their log files.  The servers that CommandBox starts are full fledged servers with a web admin and all the same log files you'd expect.  However, CommandBox skips the vendor installer and uses the WAR files of each engine for a quick and lightweight deployment that can be deleted later and won't conflict with other servers, no matter how many you have.

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What Is Happening at Into The Box in April 2017 & How To Save Money

Gavin Pickin |  April 06, 2017

Into The Box is coming soon! ITB 2017 has a great line up and some awesome discounts! A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. Below you can get a brief explanation of things that will be available at ITB and links to their original posts! We can't wait to see you there!

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ContentBox v3.5.0 Released

Luis Majano |  April 04, 2017

What's New in 3.5.0

This release we're focusing on feedback from ContentBox 3.x customers and the ability to containerize ContentBox. Building on top of the SEO updates in ContentBox 3.1.0, we're continuing to make ContentBox more SEO friendly, Search Engine Friendly and Social Media Friendly. This update has a tremendous amount of updates and bug fixes for your current installations. So let's start investigating all the major areas of improvement:

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Breaking the BHA Cycle - Microservice Architecture for CFML Legacy Apps

Jon Clausen |  March 30, 2017

No doubt you're familiar with one of the buzzwords of the moment: "microservices". Or you are familiar with the word at least, if not in practice. If you've been doing CFML development since the before Adobe bought out Macromedia, possibly even before Macromedia bought out Allaire, you've no doubt slogged through your share of procedural, template-based CFML. Then You know just the app(s!) I'm talking about...

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CommandBox Docker Image 3.6.0 Released

Jon Clausen |  March 28, 2017

This morning, we released the official Docker CommandBox image v3.6.0, which adds support for customizing your server using environment variables in your build, including support for the conventions used by the cfconfig CommandBox module. While the module is still in alpha, it is already proving to be a powerful way to provision and configure CFML servers at runtime.

Why use Docker?

If you're not up to speed with what Docker is and how it can benefit you, throughout the dev-ops lifecycle of your application, have a look at this summary article on the benefits or dig in to the official documentation. As we get further in to the weeds with configuration, we'll assume you're up to speed on the basics.

More after the jump...

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"Boxed" up, RESTful Goodness

Jon Clausen |  March 15, 2017

Leveraging the Coldbox REST Application Template

In February, we quietly released an updated version our our [Coldbox REST Application Template]( The enhancement aimed to consolidate a number of best practices and enhancements in RESTful API development that were worthy of being included in the template.

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CommandBox 3.6.0 Released

Brad Wood |  March 10, 2017

We are proud to announce the general availability of CommandBox 3.6.0!.  This is a minor release of the CLI tool that contains mostly bug fixes and small enhancements.  You can download the latest version from the CommandBox download page.  We've updated the GitBook docs and Command API docs as well.

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Introducing CFConfig : A new way to manage your CF server's configuration from the command line

Brad Wood |  March 07, 2017

We're very excited to unveil a brand new project we've been working on called CFConfig!  It's a command line tool that can help you manage the configuration for any CF server in a simple, portable, and automated fashion.  CFConfig is a CommandBox module that can be used to set, show, import, export, and diff configuration on Adobe CF and Lucee servers.  This project is still in an alpha state, but it ready for people to start kicking the tires and providing feedback.

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