
Tip of the Week: AOP Simple Interceptions in Handlers

Brad Wood |  September 05, 2012


ColdBox handlers all support these simple AOP-style methods that require no configuration to get running:
  • preHandler 
  • pre{Action}
  • postHandler
  • post{Action} 
  • aroundHandler
  • around{Action}



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ContentBox at CFCamp 2012 in Munich

Luis Majano |  August 31, 2012

We are glad to announce our prescence at CFCamp 2012 in Munich, Germany this October 15-16th, 2012.  We had the privilege of attending this CFML conference last year and it was a blast.  This year promises twice the fun as it is a 2 day conference this time around.  So if you are in the vicinity, please drop by as we will be showcasing our latest version of ContentBox Modular CMS.  See you there!

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Press Release: ColdBox Dev Box

Frank Pimentel |  August 30, 2012

We are excited to announce the release of ColdBox DevBoxDevBox is a full open source development

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ColdBox RESTFul Services At RIACON 2012

Luis Majano |  August 29, 2012

Here is the recording of our ColdBox RESTFul services presentation we gave at this years RIACON (2012).


ColdBox RESTFul services from Luis Majano on Vimeo.

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ColdBox Platform Sublime Bundle is Here!

Luis Majano |  August 23, 2012

We are happy to announce our first version of our ColdBox Sublime Bundle for Sublime Text Editor. 

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.

With this bunlde you will be able to create tons of ColdBox relate...

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Tip of the Week: Action Arguments in Your Handlers

Brad Wood |  August 23, 2012

The methods in your handlers (actions) have always accepted the "event" object, which is the request context for that event and contains things like the request collection and private request collection.

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ContentBox: Modular CMS has arrived!

Luis Majano |  August 15, 2012

We are so excited to announce the availability of our brand new product to our product line: ContentBox.

What is ContentBox?

ContentBox is a professional open source modular content management engine that allows you to easily build websites, blogs, wikis, complex web applications and even power mobile or cloud applications.  Built with a secure and flexible modular core, designed to scale, and combined with world-class support, ContentBox will get your projects out the door in no time.

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The Content Revolution is Here!

Luis Majano |  August 15, 2012

The content revolution is here

Welcome to our ContentBox site! We are so excited to finally release our first iteration of our new open source modular content management engine: ContentBox. So check out our new site, our software and even setup a ContentBox site or VPS in a matter of minutes so you can take ContentBox for a spin. Even better than that, the first month is totally free, no commitments, no ...

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