
WireBox 1.6 Released!

Luis Majano |  November 03, 2012


We are proud to announce WireBox version 1.6. This is minor release that brings you great stability, fixes and great ORM additions. You can read in detail about this release in our What's new with WireBox 1.6 guide.

Below are the major areas we concentrated in thi...

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ColdBox Platform Utilities v2.10 Released!

Luis Majano |  November 03, 2012

We are so proud to announce another big update to our Adobe ColdFusion Builder exension: ColdBox Platform Utilities version 2.10.  This update has tons of cool updates and fixes:

  • Railo compatibilitie...
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Announcing ColdBox Lite Kickoff (Pure MVC Conventions)

Brad Wood |  November 02, 2012


If you've been waiting to play with ColdBox, or tried in the past and gave up, we want to invite you to come check out our ColdBox Lite Kickoff Event at Noon CST on Wednesday November 14th.
Team ColdBox will be announcing the lastest step in the life of the ColdBox framework.  We have heard your requests for a smaller, more lightweight version of ColdBox for people who simply want blazing fast M...
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Tip of the Week: Securing Your Application's reinit

Brad Wood |  November 01, 2012


One of the first things you learn with ColdBox is how to add ?fwreinit=1 to the end of your URL to force a reload of the entire application.  This is required to pick up new settings, etc.  Many of you probably leave the reinit password at its default of "1".  While that's fine for your development and testing servers, it's not recommended  on production.  Reinitializing your application can potentially be an intensive operation, and you don't w...
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Tip of the Week: Using Environment Control in ColdBox

Brad Wood |  October 25, 2012
One of the most common server configurations is to have a production server and then 1 or more development or testing servers.  The trick with your "lower" environments is you typically want different settings for logging, error messages, data sources, or outgoing E-mails.  Manually switching settings when you move code is sketchy at best and setting up deployment scripts can be more work than you're willing to take on.
Enter ColdBox Environ...
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Check out the ContentBox Connection

Brad Wood |  October 18, 2012

We have started a ContentBox Connection and the next installment is Thursday at Noon CST.  Come see a quick review of installation procedures.  Read more about it here on the ContentBox Blog:

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Tip of the Week: ColdBox API Docs

Brad Wood |  October 17, 2012


Hopefully you've seen and used the ColdBox docs, recipes, and video tutorials before.   What you may not know is there is an API reference that documents every class and method of the entire framework.  This can be very handy if you want to quickly look up all the arguments to the event.buildLink() method, or see what public methods can be called on a LogBox appender.  
The API docs are automatically generated based on component metadata (than...
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Tip of the Week: Using Dynamic Finders with ORM

Brad Wood |  October 10, 2012


Dynamic Finders are brand new to ColdBox 3.5.3 which will be released shortly.  I usually give tips on released functionality, but we're real excited about our new Grails-inspired functionality and invite you to check it out on our development line to give them a spin.
Dynamic Finders basically let you create very readable code with dynamic method names that describe the criteria being used to to load or count ORM entities. &nbs...
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Release: ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.9!

Luis Majano |  October 08, 2012

ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.9 has now been released sporting an awesome new datasource and db installer that will make installing ContentBox a breeze.  It also has some great fixes and other cool little updates, so chec...

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ContentBox v1.0.9 Released!

Luis Majano |  October 08, 2012

We are so glad to announce another iteration of our ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.9.  This release brings in some awesome new features and important fixes to current installations.  We sport now a new datasource installer wizard for first time users that should make installing ContentBox a breeze.  If you already have ContentBox v1.0.8 you can just do an auto-update and get up and running in no time.  We have so many more updates coming, so stay tuned via our awesome mailing list.

Here is a recap of this release:

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