
FREE Open Source CFML Government Day!

Luis Majano |  October 01, 2012

Ortus is proud to announce its prescense at the first FREE Open Source CFML government day conference in Washington, DC this October 9th, 2012 sponsored by the Open CFML Foundation.  We will be showcasing our newest product, ContentBox, and of course

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Free Open Source CFML for Government Conference

Luis Majano |  October 01, 2012

We are proud to announce our attendance for the first FREE open source CFML government day conference in Washington, DC this October 9th, 2012 sponsored by the Open CFML Foundation.  We will be presenting about ContentBox and of course ColdBox!

The Open CFML Foundation is proud to present our first Washington-DC based event promoting the use of Open Source CFML pro...

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Tip of the Week: Mapping Entire Directories with Wirebox

Brad Wood |  September 28, 2012

By default, WireBox will look for your CFCs using the "models" convention (scan location). So, if you ask WireBox to get you "Services.Security.PadLockService", WireBox will look for that path and component name in the root of the models directory and create a WireBox mapping for you.

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Release: ContentBox v1.0.8

Frank Pimentel |  September 27, 2012

ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.8 has been released and we are ecstatic to share it with you.  With this release we have incorporated some fixes thanks to our community and great features.  



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ContentBox v1.0.8 Released!

Luis Majano |  September 25, 2012

We are so glad to announce another iteration of our ContentBox Modular CMS v1.0.8.  This release incorporates some fixes thanks to our community but also great features as we move towards maduration and a great modular CMS engine.  We are also making great strides in ...

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Tip of the Week: Using Inheritence to Share Event Handler Code

Brad Wood |  September 19, 2012


In ColdBox, controllers or event handlers as we call them are defined as CFCs.  Part of the power of this is that you can share and extend code in your applications by simply extending one handler with another.  
Imagine a reporting framework where a number of reports will all have a criteria page, validation, execution, and export data action with most of the logic, views, layouts, and models the same between every report ...
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Press Release: New ColdBox Online Course!

Luis Majano |  September 13, 2012

We are glad to announce our first ever ColdBox online course:

This course covers materials from our live webinars hosted by the ColdBox Team and seasoned ColdBox developers from around the world dur...
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ColdBox Online Training Available!

Luis Majano |  September 11, 2012

We are proud to announce our first online training course available via

This course covers over 53 lectures and over 25 hours of video content.  This is definitely an ultimate training tool for you or your organization.  We are working on more specific courses, so stay tuned!

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ContentBox Training at CFCamp 2012

Luis Majano |  September 05, 2012

We are very excited to announce our prescence in CFCamp 2012 in Munich, Germany.  We will be attending and speaking about ContentBox during the conference October 15-16th, 2012.  Not only that, but we will be conducting HOTs (Hands on Trainings) on of course ContentBox (4 hours each session).  So if you are in the vicinity, come and train with us!

October 18 - Cont...

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ColdBox Training At CFCamp 2012

Luis Majano |  September 05, 2012

We are so glad to announce our CFCamp 2012 boot camp training in Munich, Germany.  We will be attending this amazing conference from October 15-16, 2012 in beautiful Munich, Germany.  Then on October 17 and 18 we will be holding several ColdBox and ContentBox trainings, called HOTs (Hands on Trainings).  Each HOT will be about 4 hours long.

October 17 -
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