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CFCamp 2017 - ColdBox 5 Hierarchical MVC - Transform Your Monolith

Luis Majano |  October 31, 2017

Here are the slides from our presentation at CFCamp 2017 Day 2: ColdBox Hierarchical MVC. You can also find the source code for our demo here: or you can use CommandBox to install it: box install lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo

The ColdBox Platform was the f...

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CFCamp 2017 - A Tale of Legacy to Modernization Presentation

Luis Majano |  October 20, 2017

Here are the slides from our presentation at CFCamp 2017 Day 1: A Tale of Legacy to Modernization.

Evolve or Die! How many times have they told you, You still coding in that?. Come to this session to discover the infamous land of legacy ColdFusion applications, their why and existence motivations. We will then discover how to finally evolve them and take them to the wonderful land of Modern ColdFus...

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ColdFusion Summit 2017 RESTFul Training Bootcamp

Luis Majano |  August 25, 2017


We are excited to bring our training Bootcamp series as a pre-conference workshop for this years Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2017 in Las Vegas, NV. This training series will be led by Box creator Luis Majano and CommandBox Creator Brad Wood at the Mirage Hotel in a private training penthouse retreat. Register as soon as possible as space is very limited!

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See the code - How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox

Gavin Pickin |  August 15, 2017

In my last post, I talked about How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox. I talked through the what, why, how, but didn't get to the code. So this post, is going to go through the code and give you a real example you could use today to extend ContentBox's core Author module with your own function.

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How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox

Gavin Pickin |  August 14, 2017

I have been working for Ortus Solutions for over two years now, and still, every day I learn something new about one of our modules or tools. In one of my current customer projects, we are taking a ContentBox installation ( our Modular Content Management System built on top of ColdBox ), customizing it, extending it, and it's really fun. One of the big customizations for this projects is extending the permissions structure, outside of what we wanted to do in the ContentBox core.

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A ColdBox Success Story - Patrick Leal of Paper Oh!

Luis Majano |  June 13, 2017

A ColdBox Success Story!

Listen to Patrick, director of Paper Oh, discuss his experience of ColdBox training during CFSummit 2016 and his plans to implement ColdBox and ColdFusion in their applications in Brazil!

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A ContentBox CMS Success Story - Tim Cunningham- Primoris Services

Luis Majano |  June 06, 2017

A ContnentBox Success Story!

Watch and listen as Tim Cunningham, the vice president of [Primoris Services]( discusses how they leveraged ContentBox Modular CMS to deliver a payment portal for their API payment services!

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Portainer Docker Support for CommandBox and ContentBox

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2017

We are very excited that the []( crew has added support for CommandBox and CommandBox docker image deployment!

Don't know what a container is? Continue down and we will show you what it's all about!

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A ColdBox Success Story - Brian Sappery-

Luis Majano |  May 23, 2017

Another ColdBox Success Story!

Brian Sappery, Applications Architect for [](, discusses how they leverage the ColdBox Platform and ColdFusion for delivering a high impact and mission critical RESTFul applications, that powers much of their multi-million dollar infrastructure!

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A ColdBox Success Story - Chad Haney - PiepelineSuite

Luis Majano |  May 19, 2017

Watch and Listen to a ColdBox Success Story!

Chad Haney, the CTO for [pipelinesuite]( discusses how they leverage the [ColdBox Platform](/products/coldbox) for delivering a high impact Software as a Service built in ColdFusion (CFML)!

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