
ColdBox: Dashboard Auto Update Video Tutorial

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just uploaded a small video to youtube to demonstrate how easy it is to use the ColdBox Dashboard to auto update your ColdBox installation. You can find the video here: Or you can view it below, if the embedded video works:
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ColdBox Framework: Config.xml Tutorial Part II

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Yesterday, we went over the initial steps on the config.xml, click here to read it. We went over the Settings element and all the configurations that ColdBox can do for you. Today we continue on reviewing the rest of the elements in this config file. This is the full config.xml file: myusername mypassword dev localhost mydev Layout.Main.cfm vwEmails vwPhones vwContactBook includes/main en_US session

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ColdBox: ColdFusion MX 6.X issues and support

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Support for ColdFusion 6.X will be on the next revision 1.0.3 plus other great features that you can check out here. 6.X has some issues that were shown into light by Aaron Conran. You can download the zip in this post that contains a new settings.cfc, XMLParser.cfc, and Application.cfm. Just replace them in your system folder and also use the Application.cfm as a template for your applications, including the s...

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ColdBox: Bug #44 Please download & BlueDragon Support

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just fixed a bug concerning the BugReport.cfm in the includes directory while I am working on full BlueDragon support for ColdBox. You can view the bug report and download the fix from the following url: It is a simple bug of missing parenthesis.

Blue Dragon Support

I am almost done with all the features except one, and wanted to give a shout for anybody who might...

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ColdBox: ver.1.1.0 news, new sites, trac and repo.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I am just announcing that I bought and and they will soon begin to show some life. I also have prepared my new Trac site hosted by SVN Repository which is truly awesome. Soon I will be releasing the read only access to the SVN repository and let people play around with the upcoming 1.1.0 release. (More on this below) The new address for the Trac site is: So what will the 1.1.0 release include? Why use it? why why why? Well, I have been taking all the feedback from the previous releases, tested, tested, and more tested, and came up with a leaner and meaner framework. All thanks to the great feedback for a framework that has been released to the public not so long ago, but been used privately for more than a year now. The main question that people had asked about the framework is why should you use it and what is the difference with what is out there already: Fusebox, mach-ii, model-glue, etc. Well here are some answers for you that will shed light on the subject and prepare you for what is coming along.

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ColdBox 1.1.0 Update: ColdBox Reader 1.1.0 Preview

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have deployed the latest build of the 1.1.0 release to my website and now providing the backbone for this blog, the forums, and ColdBox Reader. This post is to showcase ColdBox Reader. It is a web 2.0 application built using ColdBox and Ajax interactions. You can start checking it out here: ColdBox Reader This is a shared rss reader that will captivate your mind. Here is a screenshot of the application:

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Getting Ready for ColdBox 1.1.0: Exceptions Listings, Documentation, Need help and more.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

In preparation for the 1.1.0 release of ColdBox, I am writing documentation like crazy so I can help developers understand more on how to use this framework. I have just finished all of the Guides and a new section which actually lists all the thrown exceptions by the framework. You can take a look at the list here: Exceptions List Guides: Guides FAQ ...

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I won't be at MAX, but Oscar Will

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I won't be going this year to MAX, due to me starting a new job at ESRI the coming month. SO you won't be able to drill me with questions about ColdBox. However, Oscar Arevalo is on its way as the representative of Home Portals ( and ColdBox. He is part of the ColdBox team, so if you see him at the conference, ask him!! He has the latest copy of 1.1.0 preview, so if you are interested, you can bump a copy from him. Sorry Oscar!!...

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Online ColdBox Reader Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have just updated my ColdBox RSS Reader in order for users to update their profile and request new passwords. So now you can change your password and update your email address. So please head over there: ColdBox Reader And update your profile or if you do not have a profile, then create one and start sharing your feeds. By the way, it is running on ColdBox 1.1.0 Luis

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ColdBox 1.1.0 Release and Dashboard Preview

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Finally, I have just updated the site to hold the latest release 1.1.0. This is a major upgrade thanks to all the feedback on the 1.0.2 version. It includes tons of fixes and more aspect programming. You can download it as usual from the projects sections Download ColdBox

What is New?

Well, a lot!! JEJEJE. Here is some of the new features and capabilities.

  • Varscoper Ch...
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