I just realized that I had changed some of the files for the 1.1.0 download, and all were downloading zero byte downloads. I apologize for the inconvenience. The downloads are back online.
ColdBox 1.2.0 Becomes 2.0.0 and License Change

Due to the significant enhancements on ColdBox, the 1.2.0 release now becomes 2.0.0. Why? Well, almost all of my planning for a major release have been done so that is why. I am migrating everything for this and I apologize for the confusions, but this release is deservant of its own version. You can read more on this release at the Trac Site Another important change with this release is a license change. I hav...
ColdBox Alternate Installation Methods

I have just updated the install guide for Coldbox in which I define some alternate installation methods. I know not everybody has the same server setups and people need options. So I have written a very detailed guide on how to alter the files in order to accomodate different server installs. If you find a mistake in the process or you have found an alternate way of installation, please let me know. I will be v...
ColdBox: More guides updated!!

Well, as promised, more documentation is now available to support the upcoming 2.0.0 release. Here is a breakdown of the updated guides:
- Coldbox Overview Guide
- Coldbox Features & Capabilities
- Coldbox System Requirements
- Coldbox FAQ
- Coldbox Compatibility Guide for 2.0.0
- Coldbox Install Guide
- Coldbox Settings Guide
- Coldbox Config.xml Guide
- Coldbox URL Actions Guide
Here is a l...
ColdBox 2.0 New Feature - Pre/Post Event Handlers

I am finalizing the latest beta for 2.0 and it will be available this week. One new feature that will be available is the addition of pre/post event handlers for a requested event. What does this mean? Well, once an event is requested to the framework, let's say its "ehTools.dspTree". Then the framework will execute the dspTree method in the ehTools event handler. Now, you can declare two new methods in the ehTools event handler: 1) preHandler 2)postHandler Inside of those two new methods...
ColdBox 2.0.0 Beta Build 477 is ready for download + more!

Well ladies and gentleman, another beta build is ready for usage. This beta is stabler than ever and introducing the pre/post handler features. The naming conventions have been re-done and slowly but surely the documentation keeps getting updated. Every day new content is placed in the wiki and will be finalized soon. So please keep checking the documentation. Another neat feature is that a google search has been added to the www.coldboxframework.com...
ColdBox Firefox-IE Search Plugin. Come and Get it!!

You can now have the full framework documentation search right on your browser. Head over to www.coldboxframework.com to get the OpenSearch Plugin. With this tool you will be able to search all of the framework's documentation right off your browser. Pretty nifty hugh!! Well, enjoy and thanks again. God Bless UPDATED: The download had a wrong URL. You can try to install it now. This only works for ie7 and firefox.
...Great ColdBox Tutorial: Contact-O-Matic by Michael Oneil

You definitely have to check out Michael's blog for his tutorials on ColdBox. They are easy to follow, direct and fun. His attention to detail is great and you will definitely get a sense of what ColdBox can do for you or you company. So head over to asuFusion.com and check out this series of tutorials by Michael. You will not be disappointed.
...ColdBox 2.0.0 Beta Build 493: This one is for BlueDragon fans!!

Well, Ladies and Gentleman, another beta roundup. This beta includes FULL BlueDragon Support as of version 6.2.X So all you BlueDragon users and fans, this one is for you!! You can take a look at the following link for some know issues which have to do with external apps out of my control: ColdBox System Requirements I also changed the registration mechanisms to a more java oriented recursion and it w...
ColdBox Interview at CFFrameworks.com!

My interview on ColdBox has just been released over at CFFrameworks.com It discussed the why's of ColdBox, who its better than anything :) and its new features for the upcoming 2.0 release. Hope you enjoy it. Can you Digg Cfframeworks: http://digg.com/podcasts/cfFrameworks_Interview_Podcast Can you Digg my Intervi...