
Next ColdBox Training Seminar Location and Date Survey

Luis Majano |  November 04, 2008
We are already in the plans for the next ColdBox Training Seminar featuring our CBOX 101 course.  We need your input to choose the venue and dates for this incredible seminar, so please fill out our online survey.

The seminars will be shortly increasing in frequency and more courses will be added to them once they are ...
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CFImage Captcha Plugin for ColdBox

Luis Majano |  November 03, 2008
Tony Garcia has developed a very cool CFImage CAPTCHA plugin for ColdBox.  He has written an extensive blog entry describing how he built it and uses it.  It is really cool!

I recommend you download it and give it a spin.  We have also added it ...
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Using Helper UDF's and CFC's

Luis Majano |  October 30, 2008
Do you want to learn how to use helper templates and helper cfc's in your layouts, views, plugins, handlers or even interceptors?? Did you now that this feature exists in ColdBox since version 2.0.0??  Do you know what a helper is? Anyways, a helper cfc or template is just a collection of udf's or functions that you can reuse for either programmatic or visual "helping".  ColdBox already gives you a nice plugin architecture for you to build advanced and complex helpers. However,...
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ColdBox at ColdFusion Camp 2008 Munich

Luis Majano |  October 28, 2008

I have been invited by the Munich CFUG to speak at their upcoming event in Munich: ColdFusion Camp 2008 and I will be able to attend and present on ColdBox in Munich, Germany.

This is the first major CF event in Germany in over six years and it will take place on November 27th in Oberschleineim near Munich.  This is my first time to Germany and I am incredibly excited to present ColdBox to the European crowd first hand.  Below is...

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New ColdBox Plugin: JS Calendar

Luis Majano |  October 28, 2008
Ernst van der Linden has been on a role lately on building incredible custom plugins for ColdBox applications.  He has just released his first version of a nice looking JS Calendar.  So go to his entry to check it out or the ColdBox code depot

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ColdBox Spry Plugin 2.0 Released

Luis Majano |  October 22, 2008

Ernst van der Linden of Team ColdBox has just released another update to his ColdBox Spry Plugin .  It looks even sharper and more detailed than before.  The samples demo
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What do you want to learn about ColdBox at CFUnited-09?

Luis Majano |  October 21, 2008

The CFUnited blog just posted their "suggest a topic" entry for CFunited 2009.  Why don't you go over there and suggest topics that you would like to see about ColdBox.  Like their entry says, be creative.  So please go to
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ColdBox Website has now Flickr Photostreams and a Video Community

Luis Majano |  October 19, 2008

The ColdBox Website has been updated with several new sections and content.  The most new prominent areas are the Flickr Photostream and the ColdBox Videos section that can be found under the Downloads tab that you can see above.  The training areas have been updated with very interesting testimonials and some vi...

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Upgrade to JDK 6 update 10

Luis Majano |  October 19, 2008
Sun released a few days ago an update to their JRE version 6 update 10.  This update is of special interest to the ColdFusion community because it solves a renown bug when class loading cfc's. Usual behaviors for this bug on previous JDK 6.X was incredible slow performance on loading a highly used CFC application.  I just updated my servers to use the new 10 update and everything flies!  I highly recommend that you update your servers to use JDK 6 update 10.&...
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Welcome to our new blog

Luis Majano |  October 16, 2008

Welcome to our new blog.  We have finally migrated from our individual team author blog to a community official blog for the ColdBox Framework.  This blog will showcase news, release information, bug information, community driven questions, events, media, presentations, tips & tricks, tutorials, and well, the rest.  We will also be multi-authoring posts by all the members of the team, so we can get a wide range of authoring from the team.  So enjoy this blog as another repository of knowl...

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