
1.2.0 Event Handler Caching, your input is required?

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

This is more of an announcement of the upcoming 1.2.0 features. Since event handler caching will be instilled into the framework, the performance is dramatic. It actually, does not make sense to be creating event handlers for each request. So version 1.2.0 will be the last version to support uncached handlers. The versions after 1.2.0 will have caching of handlers by default. I see no benefit of not caching the handlers. And they can easily be recreated by using fwreinit= url command So. Since event handler caching actually changes A LOT in event execution. The methods will receive the request collection object, instead of the handler being injected with it at creation. What does this imply? Well, mainly the 'rc' scope will become deprecated. You can keep it, however, you must var scope it locally. Example: var rc = arguments.oRC (or whatever the argument is named, still pending)

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Transitioning from Fusebox 4 to Coldbox!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

My good friend and collaborator Aaron Conran, just posted a very interesting article on how to migrate your fusebox apps to coldbox. Also it explains some of the benefits you achieve. You can find the article here Transitioning from Fusebox to ColdBox

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Beta is out. Come and get it.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Finally you can test drive the up and coming ColdBox 1.2.0. There are so many improvements and enhancements to list here. Below is a sample of the readme. The most notable improvements are IoC integration (coldspring/lightwire), ColdBox in-memory caching manager for event handler caching, plugin caching, custom plugin caching and custom data caching (Event template caching is coming...). The cache is unique, since it displays in the debugging panel the effectiveness of the cache in hits and...

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ColdBox 1.2.0 API Now available.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

The new cfc api for the framework is now available at Please head over there to see all the documentation on the new methods, etc. As always, please report any bugs on the forums or to

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Download Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I had forgotten to extract some documentation from the compatability guide that is no longer in play for the beta. If you have started to read the guide, please do so now. I have updated the wiki and the pdf in the download.

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ColdBox Trac site now supports PDF Generation

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Hi Folks! I was just informed by my Trac host that I now have PDF generation on the wiki. So I just wanted to share the good news. You can find the trac site at the following address: ColdBox Trac Site So now you can download the content in PDF. Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you will see the "Download in other formats: Plain Text | PDF" Now you can archive the docs. Thanks.

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Beta Last Known issues Information

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Below you can find a link to the last know issues for the 1.2.0 beta release: Last Known Issues And you can also subscribe to it via RSS through the link below: Last Know Issues RSS Feed Thanks again for your support and hope to hear some feedback from you guys. Please be patient with me as I update the docs for thi...

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ColdBox: How long should the Debug Cookie last?

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

This is a question for you to answer. ColdBox supports the mode of being in debug mode or not. It does so, by placing a cookie on your browser so you can see the debugging panel only with that cookie set. The question is, how long should that cookie live? What should the expiration time be? Any suggestions?

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ColdBox 1.2.0 Beta Build 446 is now available.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just updated the forums to include the latest beta build of ColdBox 1.2.0 - Build 446. So please Click Here To Get It All the know issues for the previous build have been resolved and more extra features have been added. The documentation has been rolling along and I have updated a major part of the Trac wiki. I will be updating a special guide on caching....

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ColdBox 1.2.0: RequestContext name change to Event. What are your thoughts?

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I think that a standard is arising on the way a method is injected with a request bus. My naming was requestContext and I believe mach-ii and fusebox use both event. I think it would be benefitial for developers for me to change this to event. What are your thoughts on this? This would help if a developer wants to switch from one framework to another or doing a transition, if some of the similar elements shared in an MVC framework can remain the same. I a...

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