
ColdBox Case Study: Label A

Luis Majano |  January 26, 2010
This week we would like to showcase Label A's ColdBox case study.  They have some excellent applications and products based on the ColdBox Platform that is really awesome work.  Their case study can be found here:
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ColdBox Training (Feb20) Early Bird Ends Friday!

Luis Majano |  January 25, 2010

Just a reminder that our Early Bird pricing for our Ontario, California ColdBox training ends this Friday at 11:59 PM PST.  So book your training today and just as a last early bird week gift, use the discount code: cfug and get an extra $100 chopped off the early bird price.


Core ColdBox is our 2-day flagship intensive training course that will get you started with Col...

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ColdBox Book contest ends this week!

Luis Majano |  January 25, 2010

This January 28th at 5PM PST our free book contest ends, so get your entries submitted by then.  All you have to do is submit code entries to ForgeBox and the person with the most amount of submitted projects wins a free ColdBox book!! That's it! So get to i...

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ColdBox Eclipse Plugins Updated for 3.0.0 M4

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2010

The eclipse help plugins have been updated for this 3.0.0 M4 release. So update now.

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Updated 3.0.0M4 Download

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2010
Just an FYI that I just updated the bits for the 3.0.0 M4 download. I had some leftover branch code I forgot to cleanup in the build creation. So the build that is correct is coldbox-buildID-201001190809. So please check your build id's. This is the latest and should be ok. Thanks.

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ColdBox 3.0.0 Milestone 4 released!

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2010

WOW! This one took a while but finally our M4 release is now available. So is this a final release, beta, or what? Well, we are taking off the beta name and will use our Milestone release as it is now deemed production ready even though I see a lot of users already running production sites with 3.0.0 Beta. Anyways, this milestone release has tons of fixes and updates in preparation for our next milestone which we should introduce in the coming months in preparation for a Release Candidate in Mid or Late April. Our milestones are evolving as planned and our core is getting more solid and solid with each release. This one especially really tightens the bolts on a lot of features introduced since the first betas. So let's start looking at what we did. However, please look at the tickets that have a (COMPATIBILITY) tag on them, if they do, then this means that this release has changed behavior from previous releases and you must see if you use that particular piece of code because most likely it needs to be updated. Please bear with us as all our docs are been reviewed for updates and more are added every day. Our new wiki is also online, powered by CodexWiki of course, and it will contain only 3.0.0 documentation. The 2.6.4 and less docs will remain in the orginal location. Here are the tickets for this milestone:

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LogBox 1.1 and MockBox 1.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  January 18, 2010
Welcome to another week of wonderful releases.  We start of with our two awesome logging and mocking frameworks LogBox and MockBox.  They have both just graduated to version 1.1 and can be downloaded today as standalone frameworks or via the 3.0.0 M4 bundle, ahh yes, another blog post a...
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ColdBox Case Study: Amcom Technologies

Luis Majano |  January 18, 2010
This week we would like to showcase Amcom Technology as their ColdBox case study is really refreshing.  They have also done some tremendous work with ColdBox/ColdFusion and continue to innovate.  Their case study can be found here:
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ColdBox California Training Update!

Luis Majano |  January 09, 2010
This is an update to our California Training next February 20th to the 21st.  We have arranged a discount with the hotel and we also have overflow hotels in walking distance.  That weekend is Nascar weekend here in California, so it will be full of fun if you want to head down here.  Please also note that the training Early Bird pricing ends January 29th, 2010.  So
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New ColdBox Alliance Partner: B-Line Express

Luis Majano |  January 07, 2010

We want to welcome B-Line Express to our ColdBox Alliance Program.

B-Line is a digital solution firm that has been providing experienced design and internet application development since 1995, and specializes in the delivery of user-centric technical solutions that help businesses connect with people.  B-Line...
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