
ColdBox Support-Mentoring Program Now Available!

Luis Majano |  May 21, 2010

I am very pleased to announce the new Ortus Solutions website and our new professional support and mentoring program. The Support Subscription Program is an incident assistance service that can provide you with sanity checks, code analysis, architectural reviews, professional support, custom development and much more.  We have a state of the art electronic...

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Unit Testing with Mock Objects via MockBox

Luis Majano |  May 17, 2010

Once you get an appreciation for the importance of unit testing and integration testing is when we reach a new level in our development careers.  Testing is critical to mission critical applications, and even for our own little projects, where we test that our code should work as expected.  There’s that word again, expected.  Expectations in unit testing is like a nasty hamburger at a soccer match in El Salvador.  They go hand in hand :)

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ColdBox London, UK Training Next Week Still Open

Luis Majano |  May 17, 2010

Next week is Scotch on the Rocks and immediately following the conference we will be holding our 3 day ColdBox Training marathon. If you have not attended one of our seminars, well you should, they are intense,fun and a great way to learn. Doug Boude puts it best here in his blog:

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ColdBox REST Enabled URLs

Luis Majano |  May 17, 2010

Thanks to our 3.0.0 milestones, the SES capabilities have been really fine tuned and added some great concepts in order to enable it for more RESTful applications.  We have added things like:

  • -alpha : Alpha only placeholders
  • {X} : Digit quantifiers for all placeholders
  • constraints : A separate structure where you can give any placeholder your own regular expression
  • RESTful actions : A way to split actions according to the incoming HTTP method
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Free ColdBox Training by Aaron Greenlee

Luis Majano |  May 13, 2010

Just a mention that on On Saturday May 8 2010, the Central Florida Web Developers User Group came together for a seven-hour presentation covering ColdFusion, ColdFusion builder and the ColdBox framework.   This was a free event coordinated by Aaron Greenlee and unfortuna...

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ColdBox UK Training in 2 weeks

Luis Majano |  May 10, 2010

Just a reminder that the ColdBox London, UK training is occurring this May 26, that is only 16 days away. So hurry up and get trained and even get a hefty discount by using this link:

Please note that you can either purchase the 2 day package or the 3 day package.

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Using regular expressions on SES routes

Luis Majano |  May 10, 2010

With ColdBox 3.0.0 you can use any kind of regular expression with your SES routes which makes it extremely flexible.  One way to accomplish this is by using the constraints arguments when calling the addRoute() method to add a routing entry. So if I wanted to add a placeholder that matches a regex then I would do this:

addPattern(pattern="/api/:format/", constraints={format="(xml|json)"})

As you can see from the code ab...

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New ColdBox Training in the DC Metro Area

Luis Majano |  May 04, 2010

We have just opened the registration page for our new ColdBox 2 day training before the CFUnited Conference.  The dates are from July 26-27, 2010 and you can click here to view the event page.  I am super excited to be holding my first 2 day training in the DC metro area and hope to see you there to get some nice advanced training and yes, it will be 3.0.0 time!  Wh...

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ColdBox London Training New Ticket Updates

Luis Majano |  April 26, 2010

I have been getting some inquiries of why not also allowing the purchase of the 2 days of CBOX-101 at our training right after Scotch on the Rocks.  So we listened!  You can now either purchase the 3 day training which includes the 2 days of CBOX-101 plus a one day coding bootcamp or you can just purchase the 2 days of CBOX-101 training.

We are only about 4 weeks away, so reserve your sea...

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CF.Objective() Pecha Kucha slides

Curt Gratz |  April 24, 2010

Last night I had the honor to share the stage with 8 other amazing developers to do a Pecha Kucha style presentation.  It was a ton of fun and I encourage anyone who has a chance to present in this style to take it.  It a unique style of presenting.  20 slides, 20 seconds per slide...What would you say?

I spoke on MockBox.  Here are my slides if your interested.

Mocking, Its not just for picking on people-slides

Also, here is a video of me presenting. It was taken on my co-workers Blackberry, so the quality is might not be great

Mocking, Its not just for picking on people-video

To wow the crowd, I also wore a Jedi robe I "happened" to have with me at the conference.

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