
CFObjective 2010 Presentation Notes & Code

Luis Majano |  April 23, 2010
To those who where not able to attend our ColdBox 3.0.0 presentation at CFObjective, here you can download all the presentation and assets.

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ColdBox 3.0.0 M5 bit updates

Luis Majano |  April 23, 2010

I just updated the M5 release bit to build ID: coldbox-buildID-201004231342

If your build is less than that, please update.  We updated two core fixes for relocations via URL and also for entity service wirings.


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ColdBox 3.0.0 M5 Released!

Luis Majano |  April 20, 2010
Hey everybody, its M5 time!  After several months of intense work we arrive at our almost last milestone in our road to 3.0.0 greatness.  One more milestone and we go gold!  This milestone is dear to my heart as it includes one of my favorite new features of ColdBox, ColdBox Modules!  We have also managed to document pretty much every single update ...
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LogBox 1.3 released!

Luis Majano |  April 20, 2010
Our now famous LogBox: Enterprise Logging Library reaches another step in maturity to version 1.3.  This release includes the following:

Version 1.3

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ColdBox Platform Utilities v1.9 For ColdFusion Builder Released

Luis Majano |  April 19, 2010
We have now released version 1.9 of the ColdBox Platform Utilities extension for ColdFusion Builder.  This release adds some important internal refactorings and the following cool new features:

  • Integrated live API
  • Integrated Help
  • Integrated Google Search for error retrievals...
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Join me at the Pecha Kucha BOF at cf.Objective()

Curt Gratz |  April 16, 2010

  Pecha Kucha BOF

I am very excited for this years cf.Objective().  This will be my third year and each year it has gotten better and I always leave inspired and ready to improve all aspects of my craft.  It is great to be surrounded by like minded individuals with the same goal to make themselves better at what they do. 

This year I have the unique honor to present at the Pecha Kucha BOF that Bob Silverberg organized.  I will be presenting on Mocking, it's not just for picking on people.  So, you should come join the crowd at the BOF and mock me, or at least learn new ways to mock. 

If you haven't registered for cf.Objective().  I believe you still can today.  You should also be sure to register for the ColdBox  1 day training workshop.  So, stop what your doing right now and head on over to the registration page and go for it.

Hope to see you at the BOF.  And thanks Bob for organizing it.

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ColdBox London-UK Training promotion extended

Luis Majano |  April 11, 2010
Hey everybody, Scotch on the Rocks is just around the corner and so is our ColdBox 3 Day Training Extravaganza!  In honor of such a great conference, we are extending our
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Cool SES Custom Placeholder Routes on 3.0.0

Luis Majano |  April 02, 2010
This is a quick guide to showcase a cool new feature in ColdBox 3.0.0 that helps you create routes based upon your own regular expressions and needs.  Before (coldbox < 3.0.0) you created routes with placeholders and these placeholders could be alphanumerical or numerical values.  In ColdBox 3.0.0 they can be alphanumerical, alpha, numerical, and custom.  Custom is what we are after, which makes URL Mappings in ColdBox 3.0.0 extermely flexible.  So let me pinpoint the use ...
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ColdBox Training in Minneapolis in 3 weeks

Luis Majano |  April 01, 2010
CF.Objective is around the corner (April 22nd) and so is our 1 day training workshop at CF. Objective on April 21st.  We still have some seats available and would love for you or your team to come hang out with us and create some awesome ColdBox goodness!  Even if you have already registered for the conference you can easily add the training by
contacting Best Meetings Inc. At
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ColdBox Platform Utilities v1.8 For ColdFusion Builder Released

Luis Majano |  March 31, 2010
We have now released version 1.8 of the ColdBox Platform Utilities extension for ColdFusion Builder.  This version brings in some cool new stuff and some fixes for auto updates and ForgeBox connectivity.  We are already planning the next version with some more cool stuff coming your way.

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