
Coldbox 3.0 and the CFC Config...

Curt Gratz |  June 29, 2010

One of my favorite new features of Coldbox 3.0 is the ability to have a CFC only config file. Thats right, no more XML. No don't get me wrong, XML has its place, but I love the ability to get funky with my config file. With it now being a CFC, I can do some crazy cool stuff.

For example

  1. I can now have my config files all extend a base config file or any other CFC, now thats cool.
  2. I can get creative with defining my enviromental variables, or create any other kind of helper functions.
  3. I can easily set a variable anywhere in the config file and EASILY refer to it.

These are just a few of the ways that I have already taken advantage of the Config.cfc.

What are some ways you have? Feel free to comment with any crazy or funky ideas you've used or plan to use with a fully ColdFusion-ifide (its a word, look it up) config file, I'd love to hear them.

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ColdBox Training Early Bird Ends This Week!

Luis Majano |  June 28, 2010

Just a reminder that the early bird for the CFUnited pre-conference ColdBox training ends this Friday, so if you want to get your hands at training the cheaper way, this week is the way to go!  There are also several discount codes floating around (shhh: superweek).

The Definitive Guide To The ColdBox Pl...

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MockBox: Just Mock It! Presentation Recordings

Luis Majano |  June 25, 2010

Last night we did a presentation on MockBox, the ColdFusion Mocking/Stubbing framework.  It was a good crowd and we got really involved in TDD, testing and mocking discussions.  If you have never done any kind of mocking and testing, we encourage you to first see our blog post:

And then continue d...

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ColdBox Training Hotel Discount Code

Luis Majano |  June 19, 2010
Our ColdBox Training pre CFUnited is getting close and I just got some great discounts on the Hyatt Place hotel where we will be holding our 2 day event.  The rate is great and over $40 in savings.  Please use the following information if you will be booking your room.

The ...
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Where in Europe is ColdBox?

Luis Majano |  June 17, 2010

Howdy fellow Europeans!!  I wanted to survey out where in Europe do we have some ColdBox users or potential users.  We are planning some big things for Europe this year, so we want to know where you are so we can go there.  So please fill this quick survey out and contribute to ColdBox! Thanks!