
CommandBox 3.5 Release Candidate Ready for Testing

Brad Wood |  December 28, 2016

We've been hard at work on the latest version of CommandBox which brings bug fixes, improvements, and new options for deploying and starting servers.  We think it's ready for the general public to give it a good testing before we release it so today we're announcing the CommandBox 3.5.0-rc (release candidate) for you to give a spin.  This should be a painless switch so we encourage you to take a look and provide us with feedback.  We are also pleased t have several features and fixes in this release that were provided by community members as part of our first 1000 open source pulls.


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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 12 - Custom Error Pages

Brad Wood |  December 26, 2016

This is our final installment of the 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas and we hope you've learned some new tricks!  In this last segment, we'll cover setting up custom error pages for your CommandBox-based web servers.  This applies to all CF engines that you start and can help you add a bit of polish to a CommandBox-powered site you want to make public! 

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 12 - Installing ContentBox in seconds

Gavin Pickin |  December 26, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

How do I get started with ContentBox?

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 11 - Semantic Versioning

Brad Wood |  December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas everyone!  We hope you had special time with your family and loved ones.  You may have a new year's resolution to learn something new.  Well, why wait when you can learn something new right now!  Today in our 12 tips of (CommandBox) Christmas, we'll do a quick crash course on semantic versioning, or semver as you'll oft see it called.  You may think you know everything, but keep reading and I'll bet you learn something.

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 11 - Migrate to ContentBox

Gavin Pickin |  December 25, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

If you have been following along, we have provided a lot of solid tips for using ContentBox, but one of the big ones, is how to migrate to ContentBox. Luckily, we have you covered. You can import from WordPress, Mango, MachBlog and BlogCFC from the Import Tools.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 10 - Converting Apache and IIS URL Rewrites

Brad Wood |  December 24, 2016

Christmas baking has probably began in your house, filling the air with the sweet aroma of sugar, carbs, cholesterol, and partially hydrogenated oil.  Mmm, just like Grandma used to make!  What better time to cook up a new development environment that runs on CommandBox!  

URL rewriting is common on many server setups and while everyone does the same basic things, the config files they use vary greatly based on the web server they have in play.  CommandBox allows for URL rewriting, but a common question I get is how to convert the rewrites people already have on their existing web servers so CommandBox can use them.

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 10 - Content Import and Export

Gavin Pickin |  December 24, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

Whether you have a website with a lot of traffic, or not, it pays to have a test / staging site setup to test out changes to your website. One of the biggest problems with having a staging and production website, is moving data from one environment into another. This need inspired the Content Import and Export features in ContentBox. This handy feature is today's tip. Let's learn how it works.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 9 - Command line integrations

Brad Wood |  December 23, 2016

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go.  There's a lot of ways to get to grandmother's house just like there a lot of ways to use CommandBox in your workflow. In today's edition of the 12 tips of (CommandBox) Christmas, we'll hopefully teach you some new tricks. Oh-- and while you're at grandma's, tell her to stay away from those reindeer!  

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The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas - Day 9 - Menu Manager

Gavin Pickin |  December 23, 2016

As we continue with our 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas, we at Ortus Solutions are giving you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. Brad Wood is also doing 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas.

ContentBox's default navigation is based on your Pages. You can add edit and delete pages in the admin under Content > Site Map. Sometimes you need more than page to make your website. The menu manager allows you to create 'Menus' to be used in a variety of ways in your ContentBox Website. A Menu can contains several Items, which can be from a range of Item types, Content like Pages and Blog posts, Media, Submenus, URLs, JS or Free type. Menus are easy to create, and give you a lot more options that relying on pages inside your traditional Sitemap structure.

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The 12 Tips of (CommandBox) Christmas - Day 8 - Managing all your servers

Brad Wood |  December 22, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and depending on where you live, snow may be falling!  The only thing cooler than this weather is our 12 Tips of CommandBox Christmas series where today we'll dig into taming all those server environments.  Some of you may only have one site you work on (lucky!) but others of us are always juggling several servers.  Maybe it's more than one CF engine on a single codebase, or perhaps you just have 3 or 4 clients projects going right now.  We've got some tips for keeping everything running.

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